
Glasses on the floor of the museum – proof that art can be anything these days!

Art prank with glasses

"Today we live with the awareness that an art object can be anything and an artist can be anyone," said academic sculptor Marjan Drev. Like him, we also disagree with this, although today there are no more boundaries, because if art can be a snow shovel and a urinal, art can be anything! The latest such example is a scene from the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco, where teenagers secretly placed glasses on the floor, and visitors mistook them for an art installation and reacted as expected. No, they didn't get angry, but rather tried to immerse themselves in this "artistic" work, and some of them even enthusiastically photographed the "work".

How do you explain art? Art is a form of creation whose purpose is to create works with aesthetic value, is the art loose a term that has had different meanings in different periods? Today, art can be anything and you no longer need to be a trained artist. If we look at many examples of contemporary art through the prism of art as a word, which is a translation of the Latin word ars, and this is a translation of the Greek word tech, which means skill, then many of the works that we classify as art today would not have been found there in the past. Why? Skills follow a set of certain rules, which many today follow quasi-artists they whistle. Once there was no art without following the rules. Dot. Therefore, we can conclude that the word art is misused in many cases today, and its value is measured by how much someone is willing to pay for it, not so much in terms of aesthetics.

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"Artist" at work.
"Artist" at work.

The latest evidence is prank by American teenagers, who fairly treated visitors to the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco (San Francisco Museum of Modern Art). Secretly they "exhibited" on the floor glasses, and the visitors exchanged them for work of art and admired them like any other work and sought its metaphysical meanings. It is not known what crossed their minds, but since 1917, when at an exhibition of independent artists in New York Marcel Duchamp presented as a work of art upside down urinal, art as a concept seems to have seriously lost its value, and people's standards have dropped dramatically, as evidenced by these photos taken secretly by teenagers. Maybe their art isn't priceless, but their prank is priceless.

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