
Porsche Macan? Where! This is a Chinese copy of the Zoyte SR8!

Zotye SR8

The Chinese copy everything. From computer equipment, fashion brands to cars. But (almost) no one has gone as far as the Chinese manufacturer Zoyte has gone in the automotive world. Do you think the photo is a Porsche Macan? No way! This is its Chinese copy, the Zoyte SR8 SUV. It will make its debut at the Beijing Auto Show.

Porsche Macan? Where! What you are looking at is an SUV Zoyte SR8. The car will be presented to the public for the first time at the Beijing Auto Show at the end of the month. The Zoyte SR8 is just around the corner mirror image Macana, only four times cheaper. Why pay engineers and designers to discover warm water when it's Chinese patent protection so loose that it speaks in favor of fakes and not established brands such as Porsche (Land Rover already experienced this first hand, which tried in vain to file a lawsuit against the company Landwind, which copied the model Range Rover Evoque). That's why it's cheaper to go to your neighbor and do it a clone a car that is guaranteed to succeed. All they have changed are the dimensions (compared to the Macan it is six centimeters longer), which was enough for him to fail the "patent exam". The interior is also small identical twin.

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The Zotye SR8 has 99 percent of the Macan in it.
The Zotye SR8 has 99 percent of the Macan in it.

If the Zoyte brand borrowed the design for the SR8 from the Germans, the engine was provided by the Japanese Mitsubishi. Under the hood, it carries a Mitsubishi 2.0-liter engine capable of 190 hp and 250 Nm of torque, and the power is transmitted to the wheels by a 5-speed manual transmission (it can be replaced by a 6-speed automatic transmission at an additional cost). The Porsche Macan copy is not the first such example to roll out of this Chinese factory. They already copied Audi Q3 (model SR7), Volkswagen Tiguan (model Damai X5) and Audi Q5 (model T600). Well, the one thing the Chinese don't copy from the competition is the price, so the Zoyte SR8 is too significantly cheaper from the Porsche Macan. For a replica, you will deduct everything via the Great Wall of China 23,100 euros, which is much less than the 80,000 euros you are charged for a Macan in the Far East. It will be available in the second half of 2016.

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