
First impression - what idea do we form about a person in the first few seconds

The first impression and what it reveals about us.

Do you know how long it takes us to form a first impression of a person? Psychologists say that only a few seconds. No wonder, then, that everyone stresses so much how important it is to put in a lot of work and preparations in those few seconds. Why? Because in the following infographic, you will learn how elaborate the image people create about you after just a few seconds based on your appearance, appearance, voice and behavior.

Although they say you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, we humans tend to think that you are we form an opinion about a person extremely quickly. Experts say that after just a few seconds. It's actually about (first) impression, but it is based on the impression that we decide whether we like someone or not, regardless of their reality.

READ MORE: Chew and be cooler! The real truth about chewing gum.

The fact that we spend very little time with a person does not prevent us from, in this period, despite the obvious lack of knowledge about him, dissect to detail and we predetermine his status, level of intelligence, sexual orientation, etc. Check what else is on others and what others see about us after just a few seconds and what a complex picture they create about us. This can help you a lot in life.

The first impression and what it reveals about us.
The first impression and what it reveals about us.

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