
Rio 2016: what do the red circles on the athletes' skin mean?

Cupping therapy

Have you noticed that some of the athletes competing in the Rio 2016 Summer Olympics, including the famous 31-year-old swimmer Michael Phelps, have unusual dark red circles on their skin? It's not an allergic reaction, it's not love bites, it's not a cigar burn. It is a very special ancient therapy with glasses, which is supposed to reduce pain and is widely used by American athletes, and many celebrities have been walking around the world with unusual spots on their skin for a long time.

Many people were confused when it was during the broadcasts of the Olympic Games Rio 2016 saw athletes who had on their skin round red marks. What do these dark circles on the skin of athletes mean was one of the most common questions when looking at American Olympians, which were noticeable especially in swimmers.

Pied American swimmer Michael Phelps.
Pied American swimmer Michael Phelps.

A case of cup therapy, or you cupping therapy, an ancient Chinese technique (the method is known in many cultures and has been with us in one way or another for more than five thousand years) with special cups called ventuses. The "healer" heats them and places them upside down on the skin. This creates a negative pressure that pulls the subcutaneous tissue inside the cup, which is sucked onto the body. Acupuncture with negative pressure stimulates blood flow and thus reduces pain and stress, but it lasts about 15 minutes and can be repeated several times. Although the procedure looks painful, it may not be. It is also used in places where the athlete has pain, and the spots disappear after two to three weeks.

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The most decorated Olympian of all time, the swimmer, also swears by cupping therapy Michael Phelps, whose body at the 2016 Rio Olympics looks like a polka-dot shirt from a bicycle race across France. Half of his back is dotted with red circles. This one alternative treatment methods or body care that detoxifies and invigorates the body, otherwise many celebrities have been using it for years, such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Victoria Beckham and AnnaLynne McCord.

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