
Your date of birth reveals your past life sins

Discover what kind of karma you carry with you

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why certain things happen in your life? Why do you face certain challenges while certain paths always seem closed?

One of the fascinating theories of numerology says that it can the date of birth reveals a sin from a previous life. This is especially true for people who born between the 14th and 22nd of the month, who are said to belong to the so-called "karmic zone".

What it means and how your date of birth can reveal your past life sin.

Numerology and Karma

Basic assumption of numerology is that numbers are the key to understanding the universe and our place in it. According to numerologists, each number has its own vibration and energy that affects our lives in different ways. In addition, numbers also reflect our past experiences, including those from previous lives.

Karma, on the other hand, it is a concept derived from Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and refers to the law of cause and effect. Simply put, your actions in the past (in this or a previous life) determine your present and future experiences.

Karmic debts they are those negative patterns or consequences that we carry with us from previous lives and must be resolved in the present life.

Resolve karmic debts. Photo: Rdne / Pexels

Karmic zone: 14th to 22nd day of the month

Numerologists believe that people born between the 14th and 22nd of the month belong to the "karmic zone". This means that their birthdays carry a special energy that reflects karmic debts from previous lives.

These people often face special challenges and tasks in their lives, as they have to resolve the sins and mistakes they made in previous lives.

14th of the month: Karmic debt of irresponsibility

People born on the 14th of the month carry a karmic debt of irresponsibility. In a previous life, they may have neglected their duties or obligations, resulting in negative consequences for others.

They must learn to take responsibility for their actions and decisions in their present life. They often face challenges that require them to develop reliability, self-discipline and responsibility. It is crucial that they learn to balance their personal needs with their responsibilities to others.

15th of the month: Karmic debt of excessive pleasure

People born on the 15th of the month carry a karmic debt of excessive pleasure. In a previous life, they may have indulged too much in pleasure without considering the consequences for their health or the well-being of others.

Settle past debts. Photo: Ahmad Shalbaf / Pexels

They must learn moderation and balance in the present life. They often face challenges related to pleasure, such as addictions, excessive spending, or emotional addictions. The key is to learn to enjoy life in a healthier and more balanced way, without overdoing it.

16th of the month: Karmic debt of arrogance

Those born on the 16th of the month carry a karmic debt of arrogance. In a previous life, they may have been too proud or arrogant, which negatively affected their relationships with others.

In the present life they must learn humility and acceptance of other people as they are. They often face challenges that require them to let go of their ego and learn to respect others. The key is to develop empathy and compassion and realize that we are not alone in the world.

17th of the month: Karmic debt of materialism

People born on the 17th of the month carry the karmic debt of materialism. In a previous life, they may have overvalued material goods and wealth, but neglected spiritual and emotional values.

They must learn to find a balance between the material and spiritual worlds in their present life. They often face challenges that force them to recognize the true value of things and develop a deeper understanding of life. The key is that they learn to appreciate the things that money can't buy, like love, friendship and inner peace.

18th of the month: Karmic debt of power

People born on the 18th of the month carry a karmic debt of power. In a previous life, they may have abused their power or influence, which had a negative effect on others.

Live life. Photo: Brett Sayles / Pexels

They must learn the responsible use of power and influence in their present life. They often face challenges that require them to use their power for the benefit of others and not just for their own benefit. The key is to develop ethical awareness and compassion and realize that true power lies in service to others.

19th of the month: Karmic debt of independence

Those born on the 19th of the month carry a karmic debt of independence. In a previous life, they may have overemphasized their independence without considering the needs of others.

In the present life, they must learn the balance between independence and cooperation with others. They often face challenges that require them to learn to cooperate, share and accept help. The key is to develop a sense of community and the awareness that we are not alone in the world.

20th of the month: Karmic debt of uncertainty

People born on the 20th of the month carry a karmic debt of uncertainty. In a previous life, they may have suffered from a lack of confidence or self-esteem, which had a negative impact on their life.

They must learn to build self-confidence and self-confidence in their present life. They often face challenges that require them to overcome fears and doubts and develop a solid inner strength. The key is that they learn to appreciate themselves and their abilities.

21st of the month: Karmic debt of discord

People born on the 21st of the month carry a karmic debt of discord. In a previous life, they may have caused disharmony or conflict, either in their personal relationships or the wider community.

No Karmic Debts! Photo: Wilsonvitorino / pexels

They must learn to build harmony and peace in their present life. They often face challenges that require them to develop skills to resolve conflicts and create harmony in their environment. The key is that they learn to live in peace with themselves and others.

22nd of the month: Karmic debt of unresolved dreams

Those born on the 22nd of the month carry the karmic debt of unresolved dreams. In a previous life, they may have abandoned important dreams or goals, whether due to fear, doubt, or external circumstances.

In the present life, they must learn to follow their dreams and make them come true. They often face challenges that require them to identify and overcome obstacles on the way to their goals. The key is that they learn to believe in their dreams and persevere in making them come true.

Whether you believe in numerology or not, the key is to focus on personal growth, taking responsibility for our actions and finding harmony in our lives.

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