
A simple trick that will keep your muffins fresh and perfect for days!

Photo: envato

Does it often happen to you that muffins lose their freshness and beautiful appearance the very next day? Don't worry, we have a simple but effective trick for you that will keep your muffins fresh and beautiful for days.

Muffins are more than just a dessert; they are a symbol of home warmth, pleasure and carefree moments. Imagine it's Sunday morning, the smell of freshly baked muffins wafting through the kitchen. You can't resist them and are already enjoying their softness! But what happens when we don't eat them right away? How can we ensure that the next time we take them out of the box, they will be as good as freshly baked?

Muffins, despite their simple preparation and popularity, require careful handling. Their soft and fluffy texture is both an advantage and a disadvantage. If they are not stored properly, they can quickly dry out, lose their shape or even take on unpleasant odors from the surroundings.

Muffins are notoriously delicate, so it's crucial to store them properly. In this article, we will reveal to you the secret of how to preserve the freshness and shape of your favorite desserts so that they look and taste like freshly baked every time. Read on to discover how easy it is to achieve!

How to ensure that the muffins stay fresh and tasty for a long time?

Are you drooling yet? Photo: Sarahpictures / Pexels

The secret lies in the food foil

We recommend a simple trick with cling film. This method is simple but extremely effective. Place the muffins on a plate, then cover them with cling film without touching each other. The foil should look like a dome that you will rotate in a circle. The air trapped between the foil and the muffins will help to maintain their beautiful appearance and taste.


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In order to keep muffins fresh and soft, the key is to store them properly. One of the most effective ways is to use dome-shaped food foil. Once the muffins are completely cooled, place them in an airtight container and cover with aluminum foil, creating a slight dome over the muffin. This ensures that the foil does not press on the top of the muffins, which prevents them from flattening and keeps their attractive shape. The foil dome also helps retain moisture in the muffin, preventing them from drying out, keeping them fresh and delicious for days.

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