
The Russian billionaire exchanged his multi-hundred million superyacht for the largest yacht in the world, worth €360 million

The White Pearl is the largest sailing ship in the world.

When money is not a problem, it is good to keep up with the times. This is exactly what the Russian billionaire did, who exchanged his 256 million yacht for a 360 million sailboat! Andreja Melničenko thus became the owner of the largest sailboat in the world, as much as 142 meters long (the previous one was clearly too small), named White Pearl. Unlike other luxury vessels, this is a sailing ship, and its masts reach the heavens. The tallest rises as high as 90 meters (for comparison, the skyscraper in Ljubljana is 70 meters high)!

Russians are known for looking deep into the glass, as well as millionaires who like to reach deep into their pockets. He is one of those 43-year-old Russian oligarch Andrei Melnichenko (he got rich mainly from the production of artificial fertilizers, and on the Forbes list of the richest people, he is currently in 97th place with an estimated 8.5 billion euros under the thumb), which are to him in Hamburg recently handed over the "keys" to his new sea toy, 142-meter White Pearl megayachts, the largest sailing ships in the world. The luxurious ship was designed by a famous French designer Philippe Starck, and it was brought to the city and skin by German shipowners Nowhere around.

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The largest sailing ship in the world recently set sail from Hamburg.
The largest sailing ship in the world recently set sail from Hamburg.

Sailboat White Perla The ship can reach top speed 39 km/h (20.8 knots), while the cruise is 29 km/h (15.6 knots), in addition to the classic rooms and the deck, the lower deck not only hides the engine room, but also bottom observation room. It is located in the engine room hybrid diesel-electric engine, which propels the vessel when its sails are furled.

There is room on it for 20 guests and 54 crew members, which is an upgrade over the current transport. So far, the Russian has been transporting with yacht "A" (he probably gave her such a name so that she would always be in the first place in the register; ego and that) almost worth it 260 million euros. And if he doesn't feel like traveling by ship, he simply gets into his plane Boeing 737. What can one miss!

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