
Russell Powell: Realistic Portraits on the Hand as Stamps

Many breathtaking works of art are created by human hands. Also, works of art are created on the hands that rival those on the canvases. One who falls into this second category of artist is Russell Powell, but he doesn't do tattoos, which is what you might think at first. Powell draws incredibly realistic portraits with his own hand, or rather the palm of his hand. But his pictures don't just stay on his hand, because he prints them on paper like a stamp.

We are all like children drew on their hands, but none of us in such detail and with so much artistic knowledge as Russell Powell, a teacher from California who combined the body and art, but not through tattoos, but rather rub on your hands. He applies his detailed pictures with colors to his own palm.

READ MORE: Donna Stevens, Idiot Box: expressionless portraits of children watching television

It's obvious that this portrait of Frida Kahlo is superb.
It's obvious that this portrait of Frida Kahlo is superb.

But why would you draw such works of art on your hand, only to have to wash them off? Well, Powell does make sure that his work is not in vain or only temporary, as, when the paint is still fresh (indicating that he must be quick in his work), portrait like a stamp, he prints it on a sheet of paper, and his fingerprints remind us how the painting was actually created. Impressive!

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