
Top 10 scary movies: A Halloween movie marathon that will send fear into our bones

We simply can't imagine Halloween without a film marathon of scary, horror and cult films on the theme of witches and similar creatures.

On Halloween let's take a look at the cult hits, horror films and horror films that, in addition to nostalgia, will bring an eerie atmosphere suitable for the holiday to our evening.

1. Hocus Pocus

Hocus Pocus isn't exactly a horror movie, but it's one of our best Halloween movies. Definitely a classic that evokes pleasantly nostalgic feelings.

2. The Birds

Halloween is simply not complete without an Alfred Hitchcock film. Let's surrender to his masterful suspension and let the birds send shivers down our bodies.

3. The Craft

For everyone who likes to go back to the 90s.

4. The Shinning

A classic that no Halloween movie list would be complete without. Stephen King's masterpiece, superbly translated to the screen by Stanley Kubrick.

5. The Exorcist

For some, the best horror movie of all time has shocked, shocked and will continue to shock.

6. Carrie

Let's forget the remake and watch the original for Halloween, in which Sissy Spacek "shined" in the role of her life.

7. Scream

A big dose of nostalgia that still strikes fear into the bones.

8. Friday the 13th

The movie that made looking at a hockey mask never the same.

9. Beetlejuice

Don't forget Tim Burton for Halloween.

10. Night of the Living Dead

The film of all films about insatiable zombies, which hides a deeper message.

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