
Game of Thrones: Never-before-seen audition clips every fan must see

Game of Thrones audition

Like most movie actors, the actors of HBO's TV series Game of Thrones had to audition for their role. While the last part of the 6th season of one of the most popular series of all time recently aired, let's take a look at a compilation of footage from the auditions of some of the actors from the days before they were famous, where they fought for a role, like in the series of life.

Never-before-seen footage from the audition of the actors of the TV series Game of Thrones are a must-read for all fans of this beloved fantasy series. You want to know how it is Nathalie Emmanuel (Missandei) pronounced Valar morghulis at the audition, how is it Rose Leslie (Ygritte) told Jon Snow for the first time that she knows nothing ("You know nothing, Jon Snow") or how she convinced Maisie Williams (Arya)?

READ MORE: Actors of the series Game of Thrones then and now

The battle for the role.
The battle for the role.

Check out how famous actors are today still as relative strangers at the time charmed and convinced the creators to choose them for the roles that brought them world fame. At the same time, you will see how much the players have changed in that time.

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