
The new Volvo XC60: Swedish perfection and a first-hand presentation

The new Volvo XC60

For fans of the Swedish brand, the new Volvo XC60 is probably the car they've been waiting for a long time and it certainly lived up to all expectations. It's just so different that it stands out.

Volvo XC60 was the best-selling luxury SUV in Europe in the previous generation and represented as such 30 percent of total sales of this brand. If the new generation wants to carry this burden, it simply has to be great. More importantly, people need to know why it's great.

Also because people need to know and hear how good he is the new XC60, are at Volvo rolled up their sleeves and present the car to us firsthand. Through in detail 8 minutes the presentation will be led by the product manager himself Hans Nilsson. In a world where glamor and glitter are sometimes even too much. More than refreshing and original. So... let's listen to Hans.

Image gallery: the new Volvo XC60

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