Finding time to move and exercise is sometimes a bigger problem than the exercise itself. Everyone who has dozens of daily obligations waiting for them knows this. But there are ways to not neglect physical activity in your busy schedule. The tips below will help you make a New Year's resolution.
How can you burn more calories without exercising?
1. Use the stairs
This might be the most boring piece of advice you've heard a hundred times, but that doesn't make it any less good advice for moving more. Using the stairs instead of the elevator gets your heart rate up, helps with balance, and strengthens your lower body. Try to jump two steps.
2. Walk around during the meeting
If you work from home and often have virtual conferences where you don't need to look at the screen, take advantage of this to walk around the room in between. Research shows that walking boosts creativity and improves mental sharpness.
3. Take big leaps
For example, while shopping. You might think it's funny to yourself, but it's a great activity for you, especially if you're pushing a grocery cart, which can help you keep your balance. Simple and a lot of fun.
4. Use a pilates ball
Replace your office chair with a pilates ball. In addition to helping with back pain, it will help improve your posture and you can also do neck, pelvic and spine stretching exercises while sitting.
5. Park far away
If you can, park a little further from where you are going. Thus, you can significantly increase the number of steps.
6. More sex
Some studies claim that men lose 4 calories and women lose 3 calories per minute during sex. It may not be the same as an hour of training, but it can help. Try new poses and techniques and connect with your partner, all while moving.
7. Pets
A pet will help you move more and spend more time in the fresh air. Your mental health and body will thank you.
8. Dance
You can really dance in any situation - while cooking dinner, folding laundry or vacuuming. Dancing is a great and fun way to burn calories while working on your balance and coordination.
9. Play around
Use the time for active games such as twister, hide and seek. Such and similar games can be played outside, as well as indoors, and besides sweating, you can also have fun.
10. Exercise and stretch while watching TV
This tip is nothing new, but it can really help your time go by faster when you're walking or running on the treadmill, cycling, stretching or lifting weights, for example. The only thing that matters is that what you need to exercise is close to your TV.