
10 fundamental principles with which you will permanently raise the level of personal happiness

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What does the word happiness mean to you? What emotions does it evoke and what images come to mind when you think about it? What are the key ingredients of meaningful, true happiness? Become a happier person. How?

By improving your mental and emotional well-being, strengthen your physical health and transform your life.

Happiness isn't just a good feeling – it's also good for your health and well-being.

Happier people outperform less happy people in many areas, with four areas in particular standing out – improved mental and physical health, stronger social relationships and improved cognitive performance.

Thoughts about happiness

Have you ever dreamed of a new home, buying a new car or getting promoted at work? If so, you probably did it for a very specific reason. You believed that these things would make you happier. We all fall into this pattern of thinking and acting. Many of our major life decisions are made with the goal of happiness in mind. In fact, everyone is influenced by an inner (often unconscious) decision about whether it will make us happy.

How much influence do genes have in this area?

Estimates vary, but most studies seem to suggest that our genes account for as much as 40-50 % of our level of happiness in life. For a person who takes life in a glass-half-full way, chances are they've hit the genetic lottery when it comes to luck.

Happiness is within us. Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

What is really under our control?

Although the obstacles to true happiness are enormous, they are not insurmountable. And despite all the factors that make it difficult to become happier (such as hedonic adaptation, our genes, and negativity bias), it is absolutely possible to become permanently happier. We just have to find the right habits.

If the bad news (for some) is that genes account for up to 40-50 % of the level of happiness, the good news (for all of us) is that the circumstances around us account for only a small part of our happiness - already 10%.

The good news is that we have 40-50 % things fully under our control. It's the decisions we make, the mindset we cultivate and the habits we have.

10 fundamental principles that permanently increase our level of happiness

Each has been extensively researched, supported by numerous scientific studies, and each has been linked to significant changes in human happiness over time and with practice. Best of all, none of these principles are fixed; everything can be learned and changed with effort.

Let's look at 10 keys to lasting happiness?

1. Gratitude

Studies show that fostering a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the positive aspects of our lives has a profound effect on our own level of happiness, making it one of the main keys to happiness. By shifting our focus to the good in our lives, we can become much happier.

2. Kindness and compassion

Another key element of well-being is expressing kindness and concern for others. In fact, many studies show that giving to others, whether through formal volunteering or other means, is one of the most powerful ways to bring happiness.

3. Self-compassion

About 80 % people find it harder to accept themselves than others. Unfortunately, this kind of self-criticism has a strong impact on our well-being. Self-compassion—learning to treat ourselves with kindness and care—has been shown to have powerful benefits for our mental and physical health.

The key to happiness is in you. Photo: Chermiti Mohamed / Unsplash

4. Mindfulness

Some studies show that about half of our waking hours are spent mentally disconnected from the present moment; in other words, we may be physically in one place but mentally somewhere else. This same research shows that the more our mind wanders, the less happy we are. Mindfulness—the ability to be nonjudgmental in the present moment—has been shown to have tremendous benefits for our happiness and well-being, as well as our physical health.

5. Optimism

We've all heard that the glass is best seen as "half full," but recent research highlights the importance of optimism for our mental and physical well-being. In fact, optimists tend to be happier and healthier than pessimists in many different areas.

6. Interpersonal connection

Today, we live in a world of endless connectivity thanks to technology and social media. Unfortunately, some studies show that the quality of our interpersonal connections deteriorates as the quantity increases. This is unfortunate because many studies show that one of the best ways to find happiness is to improve the quality of our closest interpersonal relationships.

7. Forgiveness

When we are hurt, anger is a natural response. But holding on to anger for months or even years can have a toxic effect on our mental and physical health. One of the secrets to living a happy life is learning to let go of that anger that can set us free, and the practice of letting go has been linked to many powerful benefits for our health and happiness.

8. Use of our strengths

Learning to recognize and harness your own personal strengths is one of many ways to happiness. In fact, it has been shown to have many benefits when it comes to raising our own levels of happiness and achieving greater meaning and purpose in our lives.

9. Enjoying positive experiences

Sometimes good things can happen in our lives, but we quickly move on to the next thing. Likewise, because negative experiences have a much stronger effect on us, it's easy to lose sight of the good experiences that can happen every day. The skill of enjoyment is one of the main keys to happiness, as it helps us to strengthen and acquire positive and pleasant experiences to allow them to be better captured from the point of view of happiness.

10. Caring for our body and health

One of the many ways to be happy is to take good care of yourself. In times of stress, it's especially easy to lose sight of self-care, and our health is one of the first areas to suffer. By paying attention to our sleep, exercise patterns and the food we eat, we can lay the foundation for greater happiness and well-being.

All the mentioned researches are presented in the book The Happiness Toolbox: 56 Practices to Find Happiness, Purpose & Productivity in Love, Work and Life

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