
10 people who wore the right shirt at the right moment

People who wore the right shirt at the right moment.

Many fans wear t-shirts with the motifs of their idols, but only a few have the opportunity to meet them live. There are even fewer who meet them when they wear a t-shirt with their image or a t-shirt somehow related to them! Meet 10 people who wore the right shirt at the right moment. If this is not luck!

You must have heard of the saying "to be in the right moment in the right place". Photographers know it's not made from scratch, but the rest of you will find out later. It is rare that we meet our idol, it's even rarer to take a picture with him. If we still carry then a t-shirt with his image or a t-shirt, in any other way related to it, is already kitsch. This is exactly what happened to the ten that we present to you below.

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Meet the 10 lucky people who wore the right shirt at the right moment and captured it forever on camera.

10 people who wore the right shirt at the right moment:

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