
10 Signs You Have Hormone Problems: Symptoms We Often Ignore

These are 10 signs that your hormones are out of balance!

Here are the most common symptoms that occur when hormones are out of balance!

1. Irregular menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is usually regular and lasts from 21 to 35 days. If menstruation is often delayed or completely absent, it is most often a hormonal disorder. If you have these problems, do not delay in seeing a doctor.

2. Rapid weight gain

If you move, eat and have the same lifestyle as before and put on weight, then it is possible that the cause is a hormonal imbalance. Elevated levels of the stress hormone cortisol and a malfunctioning thyroid gland can cause sudden obesity.

3. Decreased libido

Decreased sex drive can also be a sign of hormonal imbalance in men and women.

4. Constant feeling of fatigue

If you sleep enough (at least 7 or 8 hours) and still feel tired, do not ignore this symptom. Start with small changes. Try to go to bed half an hour earlier, spend more time outdoors, do exercises in the morning, eat more vegetables and fruits. If you do not notice any changes in your health after 3 to 4 weeks, consult your doctor.

5. Bad mood and irritability

Sudden mood swings, irritability and anxiety are symptoms that should not be ignored, and one of the reasons for their appearance can be a hormonal imbalance.

One of the reasons for the appearance of anxiety can be a hormonal imbalance.

6. Insomnia

The hormone estrogen is responsible for the quality of sleep. Therefore, if you have been suffering from poor sleep quality for a long time (you do not need to fall asleep for a long time, you often wake up at night, you get up tired), check your estrogen level.

7. Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating (especially during sleep) can be a symptom of poor functioning of the endocrine system caused by an imbalance of the hormone serotonin.

8. Headache

Do you have migraine attacks that occur most often on certain days of your cycle? In this case, the headache may be caused by hormonal changes.

9. You constantly crave sweets

If you have uncontrollable sugar cravings, this may be a sign of impaired insulin and serotonin levels.

10. Hair loss

Hormones affect many tissues and systems in the body, including hair. For example, hormone levels change dramatically during puberty in adolescents, during menopause in women, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Hormone levels also change during certain periods of the cycle – for example, hair falls out more before and during menstruation. If the hair falls out very intensively, it is worth contacting an endocrinologist.

Let us remind you: to determine the level of hormones in the body, you must consult a doctor!

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