
10 Signs Your Dog Loves You

Dogs love unconditionally and most often express their love in the following ten ways.

Dogs really are man's best friend, don't you agree? Who always makes you happy when you come home in a good or bad mood? Just look into their big, understanding eyes and they'll take the weight of your day away.

Check out which 10 signs clearly show that your dog loves you.

1. He looks you straight in the eye

Long, continuous eye contact is an indicator of love, trust and a sense of security. This is true for both humans and dogs. Maintaining eye contact isn't just useful when training your dog – this way of communicating can help you develop a deep connection with your pet. When a dog looks you in the eye, his brain releases oxytocin. Oxytocin, known as the love hormone, is the same hormone that a mother's brain makes when she bonds with her baby.

It is best to maintain natural eye contact while playing or cuddling. If you force eye contact with your dog, your pet will likely feel uncomfortable and look away.

2. Lean on you

You probably won't lean on someone you don't know or trust—and neither will your dog. Whether you're sitting on the floor or the sofa, having your dog leaning against you means he feels safe, protected and completely relaxed.

Dogs will sometimes lean on their human owner even when they feel scared or worried, which means your furry friend perceives you as protective.

Dogs really are man's best friend, don't you agree?

3. Sleep in your bedroom

If you don't let your dog sleep in your bed, but he still likes to sleep there, it means he really likes you. Why? The need to be close while sleeping means that your dog is completely attached to you and does not want to be separated from the pack leader.

4. He is very happy when you come home

Does your dog jump up and down, lick your hands and face, bring you his favorite toy or even pee a little with excitement when you get home from work, school or shopping? He's obviously excited to see you! And it's very likely that you are too.

5. He carries your shoes or socks around

Dogs that are attached to their owners also love their owner's scent and will happily crawl and sniff between your shoes, your dirty laundry basket, looking for worn socks, t-shirts or even laundry.

If the dog is leaning on you, it means that it feels safe.

6. Check where you are when you're not in the room with him

Dogs who are more independent may not always be with you or curled around your legs, but that doesn't mean the dog doesn't love you. If he's checking where you are from another room or, during a walk, it means he wants to know you're nearby.

7. Seeks physical contact

Dogs actually love the physical expression of love and often demand it from the people they love. This doesn't mean you have to give your dog a big hug; gentle hugs, petting and the simplest physical contact will let your pet know that you are closely connected.

8. Lula when she sees you

No, that doesn't mean he's forgotten that he's not allowed to pee in the house. Dogs, especially puppies, pee when they are excited. This little accident is actually a compliment – it means your dog knows you're in charge!

9. He brings you his favorite toys

If your dog brings you his favorite toy, it doesn't necessarily mean he wants to play (although wanting to play is also a big indicator that your dog likes you). Being the pack leader for dogs actually brings you the most precious and loved thing he owns. Isn't that the greatest honor?

Some dogs actually laugh.

10. He smiles at you

No, it's not just your imagination. Some dogs actually laugh by pulling their lips back to reveal a big, wide, toothy smile. If you respond to this dog gesture yourself with a big smile and a happy voice, you will show your dog that you love him too.

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