
10 simple habits scientifically proven to prolong life

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Searched for the most important daily habits that maintain long-term health and are proven to extend life.

Physical activity

Exercise is one of the most essential things to ensure overall health and well-being. At the same time, physical activity also contributes to long-term quality of life and longevity. A recent study showed that a one-hour run adds seven hours to your life. up to four hours a week. People who run have a 25 to 40 percent lower risk of early death and live about three years longer, the study says.

Photo: Unsplash/Josiah Weiss

Vegetable proteins

A recent study from Harvard found that people who ate large amounts of processed meat, such as sausages and hot dogs, were at a higher risk of death. Those who obtained protein from plant sources, however, thereby reduced the risk of premature death, especially the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Plant proteins provide all nine amino acids that the body cannot produce on its own, and unlike animal proteins, they help lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease and the risk of developing some forms of cancer.

Enjoy the nuts

It may not seem like a single food can play such an important role, but nuts really do play a key role in longevity. A Harvard study found that participants who consumed nuts daily had a 20 percent lower risk of death from cancer, heart disease, and respiratory disease.

Photo: Unsplash/Marina Raspopova

Spice up your life

Some spices can boast a range of medicinal properties. Kukuma has amazing anti-inflammatory properties that come in handy in fighting joint pain and promoting a healthier heart. The antioxidants in turmeric are also said to extend lifespan. It is also highly recommended to add cinnamon, which is said to help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, and regular consumption lowers LDL cholesterol levels.

Drinking coffee

Good news for coffee lovers! Your daily cup of coffee can have health benefits and even extend your life. Some research shows that moderate coffee consumption reduces the risk of dementia and heart disease. Coffee stimulates the nervous system, accelerates metabolism and increases the oxidation of fatty acids. A study from Harvard showed that those who regularly consume coffee have a lower risk of death.

Photo: Unsplash/ose Juice

Fruits and vegetables

If you want to live longer, eat more fruits and vegetables! A recent study by Imperial College London found that those who consumed 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day had a reduced risk of developing the disease. The authors of the study estimate that 7.8 million deaths worldwide could be prevented each year if people ate enough fruits and vegetables. Consuming large amounts of fiber promotes lower cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of developing heart disease and certain types of cancer.

Good-natured behavior

Socializing is a great stress reliever. A study conducted in an elderly population found that those who helped and supported others ended up living longer. No wonder, even those who researched long-lived cultures around the world discovered that these people are involved in the community all their lives and help their neighbors and fellow villagers with their daily activities.

Quality of sleep

We live busy lives, and the quality of our sleep is also suitable for this. Often, at the expense of this, we complete a few evening obligations and tasks. But strive to live as long as possible, you need enough closed eyes. Seven hours of sleep per night is the minimum, an hour longer is even more recommended. This will strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of obesity, depression and heart disease.


A recent study found that as little as 10 minutes of light physical activity a day – even a simple walk – can reduce the risk of death. Inactivity, on the other hand, is no less bad than unhealthy habits like smoking. Sitting all day slows down the body's metabolism, reduces calorie consumption, and can increase blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Photo: Unsplash/Pricsilla Du Preez

Engage your brain

Your brain needs some exercise too, so exercise it. This will reduce the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Studies have shown that maintaining brain stimulation leads to improved cognitive function even in old age. Constantly learning new things or expanding one's career already helps, and various hobbies and puzzles also benefit brain health.

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