
10 unusual facts about life in ancient Egypt

10 unusual facts about life in ancient Egypt

When we think of Egypt, we imagine a sea of pyramids, mummies, pharaohs and tombs. Well, at least we've seen these things in movies and learned about them in school. But few people know that women are supposed to wear red lipstick made of crushed insects, and pharaohs had problems with being overweight.

If you are thought, that they are pharaohs were fit'to the children', about which we can only you are dreaming, you did disturbed ‒ we should have problems with excessively weight. Well, that's not the only thing an unusual fact about life in ancient Egypt. Juicy information that will you left speechless, is on past.

If you have ever desired, to live in time Egyptians, you are you will probably reconsidered.


Red lipstick is supposed to be made of insects. Red acid, which was eliminated from insects, was the main one ingredient for making this cosmetic.


They were in the time of ancient Egypt flies are probably even more annoying than today, when we use various sprays and creams. Pharaoh Pepi II he should use his own slaves to ward off flies. It is supposed to be on their bodies smeared with honey, which served as fly bait.


We can see it in pictures from ancient Egypt healthy and fit people, a scientists they passed x-ray analysis of mummies and found that these images far from reality: the rich Egyptians, especially pharaohs, we should have overweight and health problems. Harmful foods enriched with carbohydrates and saturated fats and alcohol, contributed to obesity and health problems.

The afterlife was very important to the Egyptians.
The afterlife was very important to the Egyptians.


to the Egyptians was important the afterlife, namely they are believed, that a person lives a new life after death, in which she needed things, which are alive Egyptians carried in tombs. They were leaking cosmetics, food, animals, necessities


Proctologist respectively doctors for treatment diseases of the buttocks and rectum were very sought after in ancient Egypt. Not unusual, because they are pharaohs and wealthy people devoted a lot of time to food and drink. It's supposed to be every day performed the enema process.

Egyptians are said to have believed that men also have periods.
Egyptians are said to have believed that men also have periods.

Children clothing

Children should not wore clothes or shoes, until they became young people. To prevent the formation lice, they are shave children's heads. Boys and girls should only wear it bracelets, necklaces and anklets.


Egyptians they are supposed to believe that they have too men menstruation. If the man did not notice blood in the urine, he was considered sick. In fact they are had a parasitic disease called urinary schistosomiasis, which expanded upon touch fresh, contaminated water.

Marriages were not recorded in ancient Egypt.
Marriages were not recorded in ancient Egypt.

A wedding

In ancient Egypt it was not supposed to documented marriages. It's a couple simply started living together. Rich couples are supposed to make up an internal contract in which all financial consequences were described in the event of a divorce.


In ancient Egypt, it was supposed to priests interfered in legal proceedings. When they had judges had difficulties in determining punishment, they were helped by statues of gods. They placed in front of the statue two papyri (punishment was written on both) and that papyrus that turned towards the statue is Frdecided the fate of the defendant. Priests are supposed to be received bribes, so they manipulated the results.

Conquering women

Men are supposed to conquer women by being whistled. They often do undressed. For their actions were not punished.

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