
10 tips that will lead you to a better and happier life

Photo: envato

If there is anyone we need to care about in our lives, it is us. Becoming your own best friend is a lifelong journey as we learn about ourselves and what we need to work on each day, both physically and mentally, emotionally and spiritually. If you've ever wondered how to start this adventure, below are ten tips that will open the door to becoming your best friend and making your life better and happier.

1. Body and mind care

Taking care of yourself is important and no one knows you better than you, so you will know best what you need. This part of your life includes your diet, physical activity, environment and people around you.


2. Proper nutrition

The food you eat affects your body, your health and your state of mind. If you don't eat well, your blood sugar and hormone levels change. So try to eat healthy. Eat as much natural food as possible, as processed food causes fatigue. After eating certain foods, listen to your body and find out what works for you.

3. Drinking water

Don't deny the power of water. After all, we cannot survive without it. That's why it's important to drink enough water every day. In addition, drinking a glass of water before a meal can reduce your appetite.


4. Regular exercise

According to experts, it would be good to be active for at least 30 minutes every day of the week. If seven days is too much for you, try to do at least five. A walk will be enough, but you can also tidy up and garden. The point is to move your body in some way every day of the week. You just need to find the right activity that suits you.

5. Sleep

You must have heard many times and also realized how important sleep is. However, sleep is one of the things that you often overlook. On average, an adult needs seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Ideally, take care of a regular sleep biorhythm.

6. Creating a refuge

The space where you live and spend time should be your refuge, where you recharge your batteries. Mess also brings with it negative energy. So make sure your sanctuary is tidy. Keep the things you need and love, donate and dispose of the rest. Learn to let go of things you no longer love or use.

7. Surround yourself with positive people

Take time to evaluate the relationships in your life. Think about whether you receive from all people as much as you give them at least approximately.

Are the relationships you have honest, growing or stagnant, can they improve, or is it time to let go of some relationships that are unhealthy for you? Can you set healthy boundaries in these relationships and say "no" when necessary? Do you feel guilty when you say no? How do you feel around these people?

These are all questions that you should consider when evaluating a relationship, because it's not good to be around people whose energy rubs off on you. Listen to your intuition, sometimes it can show you that the person is not good for you.

8. Deepening intimate relationships

A partner can help you fly to new heights in life, as well as help you sink deeper than ever before. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all process to help you choose the best partner for you. However, you should always keep in mind that this is the person who should be your best friend and biggest support. So, if you are already in a relationship or marriage, take the time to explore your relationship and find common interests.

9. You have to love work

A job you don't like at all can be the cause of many problems, from bad mood to health problems. That's why it's important to find a job that fulfills you. Your career affects all areas of your life. Keep this in mind when you want to stay in an environment that doesn't suit you again.


10. Let bygones be bygones

If you're honest with yourself, then there's probably a part of your past that you'd like to forget. When you do, when you let go, you'll be able to look back and thank those people for all the life lessons they taught you. Above all, you must be willing to forgive yourself for some of your human mistakes and lack of certain knowledge that you did not have in the past. Forgiveness is the key to a happier future.


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