
10 ways to avoid feeling sad and lonely during the holidays

Photo: envato

When we talk about Christmas and New Year holidays, images of presents, happy families, couples and the perfect winter idyll come to mind. But for many, this is one of the most difficult, stressful and lonely times. If you are dealing with these feelings, know that you are not alone and that you can overcome negative emotions. We have prepared 10 tips for you to avoid sadness during the holidays.

1. Don't have unrealistic expectations

Surrounded by happy families in Christmas movies, complete celebrations on social networks and performances, what the holidays are supposed to look like, we can quickly feel like something is giving us something missing.

Instead of comparing yourself to illusions of perfection, try to focus on everything you can make happy and time take advantage of as best as you can - be it a New Year's walk with the family, mulled wine with friends, watching your favorite movie or baking delicious cookies.

2. Do something different

Many holiday routines fill with anxiety and negative feelings, be it because of bad memories or because they cannot possibly prepare to enjoy the Christmas events.

If you feel that it is better for your mental health to take a little time off from the holidays move away, there is nothing wrong with that at all: you can fill this time with other things that make you happy. Instead of planting a spruce tree, you can go to cinema, restaurant or on trip, and instead of opening presents, you can donate that money to charitable purposes.

If it's easier for you, take up "non-holiday" activities Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels

3. Focus on important things

For many, the holidays bring a lot of stress because you are yourself schedule fill with abundance order, and at the same time strive to perfection. Take a deep breath and remind yourself of the things that really matter: love, proximity and quality time spent.

There is nothing wrong if yours Christmas dinner it doesn't look like it came from the most expensive restaurant or if it's at your place Christmas party occurred to arguing. Also, your loved ones won't blame you if they don't donate the most expensive and most desirable things on the market.

4. Create new traditions

If Christmas traditions you've never had or they don't represent something to you made me happy, then it might put you in a better mood creating new ones. Together with your partner, family or friends, you can come up with an idea of what it would be like enjoyed the most – this can be a tour Christmas decorations in another place, snow trip, baking Christmas cake or something else entirely.

You can replace bad memories with wonderful new traditions Photo: Roman Odintsov / Pexels

5. Avoid anything that evokes negativity in you

Think about what it is that excites you sadness and negative feelings. Is it spending time with relatives, which are not closest to you? Then them do not visit or just contact them fast. If parties they're generally not something you're happy to get into don't force it or stay there just long enough to greet those closest to you.

You should know that if you want to take care of your mental health, you will need to first place to put ourselves and have control over what is happening in your life control.

6. Don't do everything yourself

Decorating the house, preparation Christmas dinners and planting a spruce tree they are fun and interesting tasks, but they can also bring a lot stress. To avoid it, first make sure that you are not for everyone themselves and for please help partner, sister, friend... not only that your work will be like that easier, but you'll feel much better when you're close to you entertained.

The whole family can participate in holiday tasks Photo: Elina Fairytale / Pexels

7. Remember loved ones in positive ways

For many, the holidays bring sadness because they are reminded of the closest, who are no longer with us. Everyone is grieving in your own way and only you know what will happen to you in this case helped, but we suggest that before memories don't run away, but them you accept on positive way. You can visit with relatives favorite restaurant a person who meant a lot to you and toasted remember together on the best moments with her.

8. Volunteering and charity

Charity is a way that at the same time you can you help yourself and others. Instead of spending the day in bed in a bad mood, you can put a smile on someone's face and make their holidays at least a little brighter.

What you will do is of course up to you: whatever suits you best preparing a Christmas present for children from socially disadvantaged families, voluntary work in homes or shelters, gathering food and other goods, donating of money… in most places the choice is huge.

There's nothing better than helping someone Photo: Rodnae Productions / Pexels

9. Do not overcome anxiety with alcohol

The holiday season is also known for sweets mulled wine and parties, on which alcoholic beverages rule. There's nothing wrong with having a few glasses of wine, but you should be aware that this is not the way to go dealing with anxiety- precisely because of alcohol, negative emotions can be expressed even more.

Instead of drowning your emotions in alcohol, talk about them talk with your loved ones, take part sports activities, head to a walk or hike or devote yourself to an activity that you know you will enjoy made her happy.

10. Ask for help

There is no way you should think that ask for help represents weakness– on the contrary: most admit that it took a lot for this courage. If your friends or relatives absolutely love the holidays and are beaming with happiness, that doesn't mean they won't be for you. ready to help or to you to listen– after all, you would do it for them too. Sometimes just one conversation it makes a huge difference in our mood.

You can also always search for yourself professional help: this does not mean that there is anything wrong with you, but that you are ready to work on yourself and your happiness.

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