
11 foods to avoid for smooth, wrinkle-free skin

Watch your diet and stay young!

Some of the popular healthy and fast snacks like smoothies and dried fruit could actually be damaging to the health of your skin and aging it faster. Why? Due to some of their bad ingredients, such as large amounts of sugar, sodium and sulfates, which can have a negative effect on the body, as they dehydrate it and thus weaken the collagen of the skin.

Here is a list of foods that should be avoided if you want to keep your skin youthful and toxin-free for as long as possible.

1. Canned soup

Canned soups are filled with sodium. Sodium actually absorbs water in the bodies, leaving us more dehydrated than before. The average can of soup contains more than the recommended daily amount of sodium. Because of their high sodium levels, eating too much of such foods can lead to dehydration. This can affect the skin as it becomes drier and flaky to wrinkles.

2. Fruit smoothies

Despite the appearance of a healthy snack, they are actually loaded with sugar! Enjoyment sugar it is related to skin health, as it affects collagen and skin structure. Collagen is important for protecting and maintaining the skin elasticity and youth. Drinking too many smoothies can become more stale over time due to the fruit sugars.

3. Energy drinks

Although these drinks can be very beneficial for anyone who needs an extra boost of energy, they are actually believed to be harmful to the skin. This is because they are full of sugar and caffeine, which damages the skin. A large amount of sugar can affect collagen health, and caffeine will dehydrated your body and consequently your skin, which becomes more sensitive to damage and wrinkles.

4. Fried food

It is not only harmful to health, but it also makes us able to see older. This is because fried foods increase inflammatory compounds in the body. This means that such food irritates the body and can inflame the skin, making it more sensitive to external damage (the sun).

Fried food food irritates the body and can inflame the skin.

5. Vegetable oil

Reducing the amount of vegetable oil we use can help the skin. Because the oil is full trans fat, it actually causes inflammation, which means that the skin is less resistant to influences harmful UV rays. This can leave us with wrinkles and age spots, as the skin cannot defend itself properly.

6. Dried fruit

These tasty snacks can actually lead to aging skin as they are full of sulfates. Sulfates are important for fruit preservation while increasing levels free radicals in the body. These free radicals damage cells, DNA and proteins, leading to premature aging in the form of wrinkles that attack collagen.

7. Rice snacks

Rice snacks seem like a healthy food, but they are actually high in fat glycemic index. This means that the body breaks them down in the same way as sugars. If we have too much sugar in our body, collagen decreases.

8. Margarine

At first they thought she was healthier of butter, but in reality it contains harmful polyunsaturated fats. Enjoying too much margarine it can harm the skin by making it dry and look more wrinkled.

Even margarine can harm the skin.

9. Pasta

Processed carbohydrates, such as pasta, white rice and bread can harm the skin by damaging the collagen in it. This means that the skin becomes less flexible and elastic and more wrinkled.

10. Agave syrup

This alternative to honey is actually very high in fructose, which is why they form wrinkles. Aging is associated with cellular damage and inflammation, which can lead to more wrinkles and other signs of aging, such as age spots, on the skin.

11. Yogurts with added flavors

These tasty little treats are not as useful as they may seem. A large amount of sugar is hidden in these pots. When we eat them, these sugars stick together and break down amino acids in collagen and elastin. This can cause the skin to age prematurely and look wrinkled and sagging.

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