
11 real-life situations that only moms of boys can relate to

"There are parts of the heart you don't even know you have until you feel the love for a child." - Anne Lamott

Melissa L. Fenton and Rita Templeton, proud mothers of four sons, discovered what life with their sons is like and why their coexistence can be compared to a wild ride at an amusement park.

We are a special breed, me, moms of boys. This is probably because we are raising living things that do so many things differently than we do. For example, they pee standing up or refuse to shower for a year and then shower five times a day the next year.

A typical day for a mom of boys involves a lot of unintelligible grunting, a body full of bruises, a messy home, and a fridge that empties faster than you can say cookie.

Being a mom to only boys is like a wild ride at an amusement park and the last thing you want to hear are questions like: "Are they all yours?" and comments such as: "Don't you want a daughter?"

Yes, it's chaos, but we don't mind because reality is what we're used to.

These are 11 situations that happen to us all the time.

1. We pity people

All those deep, sad sighs and dropped jaws when I tell them I have my own boys are completely pointless. There are some beliefs that raising male children is less fun. What nonsense.

2. We may sometimes feel sad that we will never go wedding dress shopping, but we also feel a great sense of relief at the same time

It's true, I will miss this special moment with the daughter I don't have, but on the other hand, I'm so glad I won't have to go through this. If the future daughter-in-law allows me to go with her to pick up her wedding dress, I promise you that I will support her 100% in her choice.

3. Raising sons by participating in household chores

I will teach my sons how to change a tire on a car or fix a sink pipe. But I will also teach them how to prepare a decent meal, wash the laundry in the washing machine or bathe the baby. Why, so that they will be quality partners in their future family life.

4. Everything in our home is broken or dirty

Houses full of boys are inevitably and utterly destroyed. Have you ever seen a two-year-old boy roughly pushing and pulling his toy truck? Later, they do the same with the couch. And every thing in our home that is longer than 15 cm and can be turned becomes a weapon. I'm thinking about starting a company, because I think I could have graduated in civil engineering by now.

5. We know instantly what requires stitches and what patches

I have no experience in healthcare, but I'm sure I could do the job of a nurse. In seconds, I can tell you which injuries require emergency care and which don't need to be dealt with at all. And to whoever invented leather glues, plasters and all the other equipment for the care of wounds of one kind or another, I owe him about a lot of money.

Being a mom to only boys is like a wild ride at an amusement park.

6. A kilogram of beef can be turned into a gourmet dish in 15 minutes

Hungry teenagers make sure the food runs out fast, really fast. So you learn very quickly how to prepare very very large portions. No one has the skills to prepare fast food like moms of boys.

7. We have no idea what it's like to have "those days of the month" at the same time as our live-in daughter, and for that we are eternally grateful

We have enough estrogen and PMS ourselves, so it's probably a good thing we're the only ones in the house who have periods.

8. No one steals our perfumes and lotions

Considering how often I borrowed my mom's cosmetics, there must be karma. Fortunately, since I don't have a daughter, I don't have to ask who last used my fragrant shea butter or favorite magnolia-scented perfume. Unless I count the one time my boys thought it was fun to spread cream around the room, but that's another story.

9. Of course, sometimes we wonder what life with daughters would be like

I'm sure the mothers of the girls imagine what life would be like with their sons, just like people in general imagine what their lives would be like if they were celebrities or homeless or something else entirely. Third, it is completely natural and we all have such thoughts. But to be clear: this does not mean that we love our sons any less or that we feel unfulfilled without a daughter.

10. No, we don't want to raise "mother's sons", but a strong, independent man who will become a good husband and father

Someone whose future wife will come and take it from us because we are very, very, very tired. Please take them, all four of them. And no, you can't return them. See you when the grandchildren arrive!

No, we do not want to raise "mama's sons", but a strong, independent man who will become a good husband and father.

11. We can tone down the drama for a moment

People often tell us that we are lucky because "boys are not dramatic", which is not true at all. But the good thing about male dramas is that they are easier to mitigate. Guys will drop all arguments, comments and arguments as soon as you show them a plate of food or the remote control. Yes, this may sound too simple, but it is true.

And that's why we love them. We love our boys and all that raising them brings. This does not mean that we do not need a little woman time, so do not think that just because we live "on the playground" we are not interested in women's company.

If you have a friend who only has sons, invite her to do something completely feminine, make her day with a bouquet.

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