
11 Signs You're More Intelligent Than You Think

Modesty is a beautiful virtue. Broadmouths are usually not as exceptional as they are made out to be. However, it often happens to humble people that they strongly doubt themselves at times. Here you can read a list of 11 signs that you are much more intelligent than you think.

Here you can read a list of 11 signs that you are much more intelligent than you think.

You have good concentration.

If you are not easily distracted by external stimuli, this is definitely one of the signs of a sharp mind.

Highly intelligent people often have a high ability to sustain attention
Highly intelligent people often have a high ability to sustain attention

You are a night bird.

A 2009 study found that there is a correlation between intelligence quotient (IQ) and sleep habits. Teenagers who went to bed later scored higher on intelligence tests.

You are flexible.

Smart individuals are highly adaptable to different environments. They quickly learn different patterns of behavior, but it is especially important that the individual recognizes the need for adaptation in the first place.

You realize that you still don't know much.

The most brilliant people are acutely aware of how much they don't know or understand.

Smart individuals are more modest.
Smart individuals are more modest.

You are very curious.

Curiosity is the driving force behind any research and accumulation of knowledge and honing of skills.

You are open to differences.

Openness to differences encourages an individual to be able to think outside his frame and to be able to look at a certain problem from different angles.

I like being alone.

Although this is not necessarily always true, there is a trend that highly intelligent individuals often have a need to be alone.

You have a strong inhibition.

Individuals with strong inhibition, i.e. a strong will to forego the satisfaction of current desires in order to achieve a more important goal, achieve better results on tests that measure intelligence.

You have a sense of humor.

A sense of humor is a complex ability. It requires the ability to leap over distant associations, understand a broader perspective, and often transform socially undesirable topics into a socially acceptable form. This requires a great deal of intelligence.

You are sensitive.

What intelligence really is is far from unified among researchers and experts. There are several definitions of intelligence, and many people tend to believe that there are even several types of intelligence. One of the well-established ones is, for example, emotional intelligence, which defines how much we pay attention to our own and other people's feelings.

You can connect seemingly very different concepts.

A sign of high intelligence is that you are able to connect seemingly unrelated concepts and things to each other. You see a wider pattern and can form distant associations.

Highly intelligent people can connect distant concepts
Highly intelligent people can connect distant concepts

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