
11 stories about people who gave our planet a second chance

Beach cleaning in Mumbai

More and more people are aware that our planet is in danger. While some are just talking, others are actually doing something: cleaning beaches, making products from plastic from the oceans, and even building small farms and eco-friendly cities. Here are 11 inspiring stories of people doing miracles every day to save our dear Earth.

Here are 11 stories about people who gave our planet a second chance.

Turtles have returned to a clean beach in India after 20 years.

Beach cleaning in Mumbai
Beach cleaning in Mumbai

Mumbai's beautiful beach was covered in garbage. Before that, it was the birthplace of green sea turtles. They had to move to other regions because of the garbage. Men by name Afroz Shah came to this beach one day and started cleaning it, volunteers soon joined him. They gathered together more than 5000 pieces of garbage, The UN described the project as "the largest beach cleaning project". Turtles returned to the beach this spring.

"Cleanman" can collect 28 bags of garbage in 1 hour.

A man with a name Cleanman from Chelyabinsk, Russia it cleans up dirty, littered areas, forests and parks, leaving behind only a long line of full garbage bags. His activity got the attention it deserved when the Dutch caught him at work and recorded the whole thing on video. When asked about the mask, he said he wanted one focus attention on the ecological issue and not to ourselves.

Water Wells For Africa

Wells have saved more than 300,000 people today.
Wells have saved more than 300,000 people today.

It was in 1994 Kurt Dallin in Malawi, surprised to see people fighting for every bucket of dirty water and girls walking for half a day to carry huge buckets of water on their heads. He decided to help them: he built a well in the poorest and driest village. This saved the inhabitants who were constantly thirsty and thus forced to drink dirty water. The project supplied 26,000 people with water in its first four years. Ten years later, 76 wells were built and a non-profit organization was established Water Wells for Africa. Today, more than 300,000 people in Africa have access to clean water.

Fashion brands that support eco-friendly clothing

Well-known fashion brands such as Levi's, NIKE, Zara and others have been promoting environmentally friendly ideas for many years. H&M uses organic cotton and does not use natural fur. M&S has opened factories equipped to use less electricity and water. Among other things, Zara has waste separation bins in its stores. Levi's is the first brand to produce eco-denim and jeans with the "Waterless" sign, which means that the company saves water while making these jeans. Adidas created eco-friendly sneakers from ocean waste, and NIKE has been promoting the Reuse-A-Shoe project since 1993. The shoes are thus recycled to build tennis courts and running tracks. Most companies now use bags that biodegrade within two years.

Drones that heal forests

Deforestation is slowly destroying our planet. Various companies are looking for a way to rebuild the 'lungs' of our planet. And the most successful start-ups that support forest restoration are those that they use drones. They scan the environment and with the help of these images it is clear which seeds are the most suitable. Other drones then seed them. Robin drone it can plant 1 hectare of trees in 18 minutes and count 100,000 trees in one day. A British project BioCarbon Engineering set a goal of planting 500 billion trees by 2050.

The greenest restaurant in the world

Cafeteria at school MUSE in California is the champion among all eco-free restaurants. It has the highest score in various criteria (food quality, menu, waste management, etc.) and 4 stars. Director James Cameron and his wife Susy donated solar panels in the shape of sunflowers to the restaurant. The school is so nurturing own fruits and vegetables and in a year and a half, they managed to replace most of their food with the aim of reducing the chance of cardiovascular disease.

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

There are more than 100,000 tons of trash in the Pacific Ocean. Several scientists have proposed ways to remove them, but Boyan Slat had the best idea six years ago, and with some improvements, the project finally started earlier this year. The plan is to remove 50 percent of the trash within five years with the help of large floating barriers. The collected garbage will be used to make chairs, car parts and other things.

A shoe that grows

Shoes grow with the child for 5 to 6 years.
Shoes grow with the child for 5 to 6 years.

When volunteer Kenton Lee saw orphans in Kenya wearing shoes that were too small or walking barefoot with damaged feet, he came up with the idea for shoes that grow with children. Using a special tool, the shoe can be increased by 5 numbers, which is usually enough for 5 to 6 years. He also created website, where anyone can buy shoes for children all over the world.

A family that grows a ton of vegetables for the surrounding restaurants

The family he leads Urban Homestead,in California, she can grow enough fruits and vegetables for herself and for local restaurants. They have 400 types of vegetables, fruits and even edible flowers, and each year they produce around 3 tons of goods. They also have ducks, chickens, goats and bees, so they can always supply fresh eggs, milk and honey. In the beginning, the parents wanted safe food for their children, so the father put solar panels on the roof and started using plant waste to fuel the car. In order to save water and land, the family started with vertical gardens and the use of clay pots. "People thought we were crazy 33 years ago when we started. Today, 90 percent of the food comes from our garden," adds the family.

The smart eco-city of Neapolis

This is supposed to be the smart eco-city Neapolis.
This is supposed to be the smart eco-city Neapolis.

It is located in Cyprus, near Pathos ecocity Neapolis – a unique place in the Mediterranean. Houses, entertainment centers, shopping malls, hospitals, green areas and sea views will be built there. It will be possible in this smart city work and get an education in a research center, at a university, and on and on. The power supply system of the city will be equipped with artificial intelligence, which will help preserve and protect the environment. 25 percent of the energy will be produced from natural sources. A new life will begin for Neapolis around 2023.

In India, people planted around 50 million trees in one day.

In 2016, volunteers in India conducted 24-hour planting of 80 different types of trees. They were planted along roads, railways and on public land. India (as well as many other countries) has lost a lot of its forests over the centuries as people cut it down for firewood or other purposes. Currently, this number of trees (49.3 million) planted in one day is world record.

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