In modern times, characterized by a wide variety of technology and an abundance of electronic devices, it is very important to introduce your children to the old outdoor games that you used to play yourself. Not only will these kinds of games take care of their sports activity, but they will also develop their imagination and friendships. We have prepared 12 outdoor games for you, which are suitable for children from the age of 4.
1. Fučka or ristance
Whore or ristance is a game that, in addition to entertainment, will also take care of movement and child development creativity. It can be played 2 or more players, and you'll need something for it chalk, pebbles and a flat surface, the best asphalt. First, let the children draw on the floor squares, which are then denoted by consecutive numbers.
Then you can start the game: let the child he throws a pebble in the square with the number 1 and by characters jumps to the last number and back. Then have him repeat the exercise, except that he throws the pebble into square z next number. It is the turn of a new player when the first child jumps on while jumping line or with a pebble miss the field. Then we shout: “Fuck!”. You can read the exact instructions for the ristanc here (link to the article).
2. To steal the land
The game Earth steal can be played 3 to 10 players, for which you will need a shorter stick or and the surface as it is sand or sink. You can also play on asphalt, in which case you need more chalk.
First, let the children with a stick or chalk on the floor they draw a big circle, which they divide into so many parts, as many players as there are. Each player should have his circle names with a name country or city.
The player standing in the middle of the circle should repeat: "Let him throw, let him throw, let him throw...", selecting a specific country. That child standing on the territory of this country can go to the cane as soon as possible to step, and the rest they run away. They stop when the stick is stepped on and that's when that player tries to hit one of the teammates. If he hits it, he can use a stick or he takes the chalk part of his land by drawing across his field. If it it misses, his land is stolen by a teammate. The one who owns his land then steps into the center of the circle lost, and the game continues until the entire circle belongs only one player. You can read longer instructions here.
3. Blind mice
For Blind mice you need 3 or more players, scarf and a larger playing area. First, children with counting they determine the one who will be the "blind mouse" and him blindfolded scarf.
Then the game begins: the players should "bat" a few times spin around its axis, and then they run away. The task of the "blind mouse" is to try the teammates to catch. You can do it they are calling, gently they coo, they tap on the shoulders, etc.
The game is over when the "bat" catches one of the players. Then the one she caught, takes the role "blind mice", turns around and starts chasing his teammates. You can read more detailed instructions here.
4. Jumping over the rope
For Rope Jumping you will need 4 and more players, longer rope and flat playing surface.
First, children with counting determine 2 players, which will each be a rope at its own end holders and spun it around. The other players stand up between them and over the rope they are jumping. They should pay attention to jump in time and not get into it get complicated. The player who jumps wins most of the time. You can read more detailed instructions here (link to the article).
5. Gumitwist
For the game Gumball player you need 3 players, rubber twister (longer elastic band) and flat playing surface. First, the children determine the one who will be over the rubber twist jumped first. The remaining 2 players should rubber twist held between the legs by first adjusting the elastic to ankle height.
The child who jumps should jump the rubber band in sequence, which you define yourself or in a basic gumtwist sequence that you can find here.
When the sequence is completed, the players holding the rubber twister raise the rubber band to knee height, at the next level on waist height, then above the waist, by the chest… When the player does error, Mrs switch one of the children holding the rubber band. You can read more detailed instructions here (link to the article).
6. Throwing stars
Throwing stars can be played 4 or more players, and everything you will need is larger playing area. First of all, children with counting they determine the player who will "metal stars". This player then determines the "star", i.e. one of the teammates, Ms grabs hands and Mrs starts spinning in a circle. Just before letting him go, he should call out: “Turn into an animal!” Instead of animals, he can also choose to have children turn into trees, houses, ships etc.
Then we all pose, which he determined and, when the player "throws the star", in this position they remain. The actor poses views and determine which one it is the most interesting, funny, original etc. The winner is then next in line, that "throwing stars". You can read longer instructions here (link to the article).
7. Rabbit out
For the game Rabbit out you need 4 or more players, soft ball and larger flat surface.
First of all, children with counting determine 2 players who will the ball threw. Each of them then stands on your side of the field, where they must be facing each other. The other players are "rabbits", which are placed on middle of the field.
"Sagittarius" then they start the ball to pass, in which they try to "rabbit" hit. The "shooter" who succeeds in this, with the "rabbit" switch. If you "rabbit" the ball catches, is played continues. You can read more detailed instructions here (link to the article).
8. Hide and seek
The game Hide and seek is suitable for 2 or more players, but for it you need larger area, full objects, trees, of statues... which children can follow hid.
First of all, children with counting determine the one who will moved. You are the one covers his eyes and leans on "place to pat". Then the accent counts to 10. When he's done counting, make him as loud as possible he exclaims: "Before me, behind me, whoever is not hidden, let him go and brag!"
Then he can start to look for teammates. When he sees one of them, it runs to the place of counting, take it by hand touches and a teammate "poopka" with his name, e.g. "One two three, Marko!" The other players try to find a "patting spot" during the search. imperceptibly approach and "paddle" themselves, i.e. touch the place and call your name. Whoever succeeds, wait until the start of the next game.
It's game over when they are "patted" all players. You can read longer instructions here (link to the article).
9. Is there any solid bridge
Is there any solid bridge can be played 6 or more players, but you will need large playing area.
Two players let them stand in "bridge" (facing each other, holding hands) and determine which one of them will be "apple" and which one "golden bird".
The others then stand in column, whereby they hold on to shoulders. The "train" then moves forward, but stops when it reaches the "bridge". At that time, the two children who form a bridge raise their hands in the air so that the "train" below moves forward - except for the child who is in the column the last one. This player's "bridge" catches between your hands and he asks quietly: "Which do you prefer, an apple or a golden bird?" The child answers and then stands in column behind the player from the "bridge" who is this figure at the beginning of the game chose.
The game continues in the same way until they are placed in the columns behind the two players forming the bridge all children from the "train". Then each of the teams tries another to pull to your side of the field. That team that is stronger, is then declared as victorious. You can read more about the game here (link to the article).
10. I am carrying a rotten egg
The game I'm carrying a rotten egg can be played 6 or more children, for which you will need a larger playing area and a piece of paper.
First, have all but one player sit down in a larger circle. That player should then start walk around the circle, holding in his hands a crumpled piece of paper, which represents rotten egg. This "rotten egg" then secretly lay behind the back one of the teammates. If she doesn't figure it out before the player passes her again, she becomes a "rotten egg", which means she has to sit in the middle of the circle. If a piece of paper finds, gets up and buys catch the player who laid the "rotten egg". If he succeeds, he plays continues, but if the hunted succeeds sit in an empty seat in a circle, then the "rotten egg" is carried by the one who ate it hunted unsuccessfully. You can read more detailed instructions here (link to the article)
11. You hunt
The game You hunt is suitable for 3 to 10 you only need players for it a larger playing area. First of all, children with countdown determine the child who will chased teammates. Then the children they run away, and those who are hunted, try them to catch. It does this by making a teammate touches with his hand, then calls out "You hunt!", and after that a caught child starts chasing others. You can read more detailed instructions here (link to the article)
12. Pepček
The game Pepček can be played 3 or more players, for which you will need soft ball and a larger playing area.
First, let the children decide which of them will step into the role "belly". If there are many players, they then stand in circle, but if there are only three, each of the players who were not chosen as the "pepčka" is placed on your side of the field. They should stand facing each other, and the "pepček" should be placed on the middle.
The players then start pass the ball, and "pepček" tries it to catch. When he succeeds, he does switch with that kid who threw the ball. You can read longer instructions here (link to the article)