
Happiness is a choice!

How to understand happiness as a choice?

Photo: Kate Hliznitsova / Unsplash

You might think that happiness is a matter of luck and that you just don't have enough of it because you weren't born under a lucky star.

You would like to be happier, but you believe that it is not in your power and that you cannot simply choose happiness. Believe it or not, happiness is a matter of choice?

How can you take the idea that happiness is a choice and start making it happen?

Answer the key question - what is happiness for you?

Perhaps you are always looking for happiness in the wrong things, trying to achieve the ambitions instilled in you by your parents, to acquire what others have because it looks great, attractive and worthy.

But maybe happiness is something else for you that you haven't thought about until now. Remember the moments when you were happiest. Excited, childishly happy, satisfied and fulfilled. Maybe it's something simple, something that eludes you because you don't see it, appreciate it, because you're too worried and busy chasing dreams that aren't yours.

Happiness is a choice. Photo: Patrick Carr/Unsplash

When you identify a moment of true happiness that you experience, describe it (write it on paper, on the computer) as accurately and in detail as you can. Describe this moment in the present moment as if it were happening now. This will make it easier for you to connect with what happiness really is for you.

Try to understand how and why happiness is a matter of choice

Since you cannot change what you cannot change, always accept and try to influence what you can. And it is your behavior and your reactions in a given situation. The way you look at and understand things, broadens your perspective, opens you up to the positivity that exists in your life. Happiness is an attitude, a way of thinking, a philosophy of positivity - attention is focused on good things.

What you focus on will develop and grow. Happiness is already present in your life, notice it and pay attention to those little things that make you happy and fulfilled. Engage your attention as a happiness booster and you will begin to notice and discover more good things that make you happy.

The hardest part is giving up control, but try

You really have to accept what you understand intellectually - the issue of control, i.e. the inability to control. How many things in life can you really control? You cannot influence most situations and events except by your reaction to them, by acceptance. Your behavior is the only thing you can control, although you often fail.

Be your own happiness. Photo: Patrick Carr/Unsplash

Think practically and logically, the sky is gray and cloudy, it's raining and you can't make the sun. You don't affect the weather. But the weather affects you. Therefore, look for beauty and goodness in cloudy and rainy weather. Find pleasure in the dancing clouds, romance in the rain. Then use this recipe in all life situations. Simple logic and life experiences are on the side of happiness - after the rain comes the sun, good and bad periods alternate, rejoice and appreciate the good.

Create happy habits

We are attached to our habits, we love them and enjoy them, they make up the structure of our everyday life. So, put some happiness habits into your daily practice, i.e. little things, rituals that relax you, a walk, a conversation with a friend.

You know best what makes you happy and what you can do every day, so do it consciously - it's a decision to be happy and a way to practice that decision, boost your energy and strengthen your positive beliefs.

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