
12 key reasons why people cheat! The answer to the question why we cheat!

Cheating causes pain, but not only for the cheated!

Photo: envato / jacoblund

There are many reasons why someone disappoints and cheats on a partner. This is also why it is necessary to understand them so that we can prevent things and avoid cheating. That's why it's important to know these 12 key reasons for cheating!

Cheating is common. Why? Is it really that hard to believe in and respect monogamy? Is it really that hard to be faithful to the person you are with and whom you say you love?

Betrayal is the worst thing you can do to someone you're in a relationship with. It hurts, it leaves traces, and the other person will never be able to fully recover from it. If you are not happy in your relationship or have stopped loving your partner, the best and most moral thing you can do is to talk honestly about your feelings. We are all human and we all have feelings, so no one deserves to be cheated on no matter what.

If you like someone else and want to start a new relationship with that person, the only fair way to break up with your partner is to talk it out.

Once you betray your partner's trust, it is difficult to regain or restore it. Think about the consequences before doing anything you know you'll regret later.

What does cheating say about a person and their character? There are some common reasons why people cheat.

1. They are unhappy with the relationship

If you're in a healthy and happy relationship, chances are you'll never even think about cheating. With this person, you have everything you need. However, if you are not happy in your relationship, or if you no longer feel the same way about your partner, this may lead you to the point where you question your relationship and consider someone else.

You should know that an emotional or physical affair with someone else will not make you happy. Cheating and seeking comfort from another person will never make you feel better. On the contrary, you will feel even worse because you know that you betrayed the person you really loved and they betrayed you.

2. They don't love their partner

If you are thinking about dating someone else, this is a sign that your feelings for your partner are not sincere. You can't say you truly love someone and then hurt them in such a horrible way. You can't do that to the person you love. It's not possible.

The fact is that the person who cheats on their partner never truly loved their partner because if they did, they would never hurt them on purpose because of the love they once felt for them. When you truly love someone, you only have eyes for that person and your heart is reserved only for them. Entry of other persons into your intimate life is strictly prohibited.

3. They do not respect themselves or their partner

People who cheat are struggling with self-esteem issues. Because of this, they seek comfort from others, from those who will praise them and feed their ego. They have no respect for their partner. How could you respect someone and hurt them like that behind their back? It's simply not possible. They lie to themselves, to their partner, such behavior leads them to a complete loss of self-esteem.

4. They have self-esteem issues

This is one of the most common reasons why men cheat, even though most of them would never admit it. They cheat to inflate their egos. We all have some insecurities and flaws, but you don't need others to convince you that you are worthy. Don't seek validation from others. Look for it in yourself and your partner.

This can also be related to narcissism. Narcissists crave attention and validation from other people, which also means that they have fragile and low self-esteem and are therefore prone to cheating.

If you are in a healthy relationship, your partner will be the biggest support in improving your self-esteem. They will accept all your flaws and imperfections and show you that you should do the same. Accept yourself.

5. Those who cheat are cowards

Everyone who cheats is weak. They don't have the strength to talk to their partner about their feelings and how things really are. They prefer to cheat because it is the easiest way for them.

If you can't break up with your partner before deciding to be with someone else, it's not because you love your partner, it's just because you don't have the courage to talk to them. You secretly cheat on them hoping they never find out. But sooner or later the truth will come out.

6. They master the art of lying

People who cheat eventually become professionals at lying. They don't just lie to their partner, they also lie to family, friends and colleagues. They lie to the people who mean the most to them. They hide their secret lives from others and lie all the time to cover the traces of their infidelity. They get so good at it that it's almost impossible to tell when they're lying.

If you doubt your partner's loyalty and think they are lying to you, pay attention to their body language or some other subtle signs, say if their phone habits have changed.

7. Those who cheat are selfish

If someone cheats on the person they love, they are selfish and a bit narcissistic. For them, the most important thing is to feel good and do things that make them happy, without even thinking about someone else's feelings. Even if your feelings for your partner have changed, you should still think about them and not do anything that you know will hurt them.

Before you do something like this to your partner, think about how you would feel if they did it to you.

8. They are not ready for a committed relationship

Most men cheat because they are not ready to commit, even if they are in a long-term relationship and even if they love their partner. They are looking for a way out by cheating.

This is a mistake. Not only will you hurt the person you love, but you will lose them forever. If you don't feel ready for a relationship, the best solution would be to have an honest conversation with your partner about it. If they love you, they will try to understand you and may be willing to wait for you. Together, it will be easier to find a way or a compromise that would be good for both of us.

9. Monogamy is not for them

Some people can't be with just one person and in just one relationship. The idea of monogamy is boring to them and they constantly have multiple partners or cheat on their partner, which for them is the ideal relationship.

10. They always have excuses

Not only are they good at lying, those who cheat are always full of excuses to justify their actions. They will try to manipulate you and convince you that it is just a misunderstanding or that you are wrong.

They know how you feel about them and will try to use your honest feelings to buy into their excuses.

11. They are pros at avoiding conversation

You have found some evidence that your partner has been unfaithful and when you try to confront them, they divert the subject or avoid talking about it. Such behavior is a warning that they are hiding something from you.

They may be doing this because they don't want to hurt your feelings or because they simply don't have the courage to be honest and admit their mistake.

12. If they've done it once, they'll do it again

People who cheat on their partner and don't get caught are likely to do it again, thinking how their significant other will never find out.

Of course, we can all make a mistake, but if someone makes the same mistake repeatedly, then it is not a mistake, but a choice. Then it's simply unforgivable, no matter how much you love them.

What does cheating do to a person?

1. Doubt yourself

No matter how high your self-esteem is, betrayal hurts you. It just changes you completely. You begin to question your own worth. You are looking for fault in yourself. You become insecure.

2. You no longer trust

You don't know if you can even trust anyone in your life. When you meet the right person, you will know that not all people are the same and that there are some people who truly deserve your trust and love.

3. Mental health problems

People who cheat on them may have some mental health problems like anxiety or depression. You might start thinking about how you'll never recover from this, but don't worry. You are not alone. There are indeed many people who struggle with the same problems after partner infidelity. And you need to know that you will heal and move on, just give yourself some time.

4. The person may begin to think that they cannot be loved

Just because one person betrayed you doesn't mean someone else won't love and appreciate you as you deserve. It wasn't your fault. You did nothing wrong. The person who hurt you did not respect or love you and that is the only truth.

5. Impact on future relationships

You will doubt the feelings and intentions of your next partner. You won't trust anyone. But when you and your new partner build trust together, you will finally be able to let go of your former betrayal and enjoy your new relationship.

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