
15 of the best optical illusions in photos

Photos where an optical illusion is at work

You know when a magician performs a trick and you scratch your head trying to figure out how he did it. The following series of photos where optical illusions are at work will leave you equally stunned and confused. Photographs play the role of magicians, performing an optical illusion trick with the help of perspective, which causes our brain to interpret the image differently than it actually is. It is a little known fact that optical illusions surround us all the time, even if we are not even aware of it. And here are 15 proofs.

Optical illusions mislead the perception of what is depicted or filmed. Sometimes this deception is a drawing with patterns, sometimes a gold-white or black-blue dress, sometimes a creation with chalk on the asphalt, still other times it is captured photos at right angles.

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Our brains can be tricked really quickly and we got it together 15 photos, which prove this once again, because things on them they do not correspond to the real image the world as our eyes show it.

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