
15 Horrible Mistakes in the History of Men's Grooming

The best inventions in the history of male grooming; from a bald head sucker to a testicle feeder.

Evans vacuum cap

The beginning of the 20th century. We present to you the Evans vacuum cap, which will vacuum your head three to four times a day and thus save you from baldness forever. Guaranteed.

Soul Glo
Soul Glo

Soul Glo

In the 70s and 80s, a hairstyle that looked like you'd just broken into an animal sweat was a testament to the fact that you were experiencing Saturday night fever on a daily basis. The magic product to achieve this look was Soul Glo.


Although the gadget looks and sounds like some sophisticated CIA torture device, it's actually a product the Romans used to clean their scalps. Apparently, they had something against soap, which the Babylonians discovered more than 2000 years earlier. Instead, they preferred to rub the scalp with oil, which they then scraped off with a stirrer.

Vibrating brush

In 1942, you can buy a miraculous vibrating brush in America, which eliminates all ailments by exercising the scalp, promises an end to dandruff and itchy scalp, and provides a more attractive hairstyle. The product was very popular with the fairer sex.



Wigs were all the rage there from the 1500s to the 1800s. Fittingly, the wig fad coincided with an outbreak of syphilis that left men's heads bald. In addition to masking syphilitic heads, wigs were practical in other ways; you could powder and perfume it well and thus there was no need to wash it. Ah yes, what we would give to live in that time...

The first deodorant

The first deodorant was the first step towards a better-smelling future. Unfortunately, it was not the most practical, as it had to be applied with the fingers.

Makassar oil

The oil straight from Jakarta promises a fine exotic scent and in general many benefits for men's hairstyles. The only fault was that it left rather unattractive stains on anything oiled heads touched.

Bald comb

One of the most useful inventions in the history of hairdressing is certainly a special comb that combs your bald head at the same time. But why did they stop making it?!

Shell razor

Antiquity. Now you know what they used to shave with before the knives.


Year 1986. Another ingenious idea about vacuuming hair. This time, the sucker is used as a tool to lift your hair for cutting. Apparently, this method is still used to cut dogs.

Nasal appliance

Why not create a nasal appliance based on the principle of the dental appliance? In 1916, a brighter future was promised to the krivanos.

Testicular radium feeder

Proof that new technologies should be introduced slowly. So, people in 1910 believed that having 20 micrograms of refined radium dangling from their testicles would make them more manly.

Self-adhesive bristles

1960; sex, drugs and fake beards. An incredible range of sideburns, mustaches and beards that you can easily stick on if you're in trouble and want to impress the other guests at a psychedelic party.

Hair spray

You don't have hair? No problem, since 1990 you can enjoy them. Still in use.

Spray for better breath

For menthol breath.

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