
15 positive changes that regular practice of yoga will bring to your life

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Many yoga exercises strengthen the spine, which greatly affects posture. In addition, it relaxes the body and mind, because when the exercises are performed correctly, the muscles relax, which has a beneficial effect on our well-being. You know, a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Some people practice yoga in hopes of finding inner peace and relief from everyday stress, while others take up yoga to gain strength, both of which bring about the following changes.

1. A sense of peace

Many people feel calmer and stronger after practicing yoga for a few months. In yoga, an important part of the exercises is correct breathing, and with the ability to control breathing, a person has more control over his behavior and acceptance of what is happening around him.

2. Strength

All the muscles in the body are strengthened, and everyday tasks that you thought were difficult will become easier later on.

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3. Losing weight

An additional bonus of yoga is the loss of excess weight or the transformation of the figure. Yoga also encourages people to live a healthier lifestyle.

4. Happiness

Learning to breathe correctly leads to a calmer mind, which in turn brings happiness into our lives. People who practice yoga can experience a happiness that many find difficult to find.

5. Life changes

Through yoga, people learn to eliminate from their lives everything that no longer serves them, that no longer makes sense and that makes them feel bad, because they know that this way they will not make progress

6. Change in diet

Practicing yoga goes hand in hand with a healthy diet and people who practice yoga regularly also change their diet. More and more of them later decide on a plant-based diet, i.e. vegetarianism, or even become vegans. Before you decide on such a move, it is a good idea to consult your doctor about it.

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7. Posture

Many exercises strengthen the spine and the muscles around it. Most of the movements require an upright posture, and over time the change is already noticeable in everyday things, such as sitting in a chair, in the car, walking or doing household chores.

8. Self-confidence

Yoga exercises are very different, some are easier, others are more difficult. When you do the exercise correctly, you will feel very proud and you will feel this feeling again and again, so you will also become more confident.

9. Attention and vigilance

When exercising, you will have to pay attention to the execution of the exercises, which means the connection between muscles and thoughts ("mind-muscle" connection). You need to think about the exercise pose itself, how to breathe properly, which muscles to tense and which not to. Because of this, you suddenly start to notice things that you didn't pay attention to before - like how you sit, walk, bend...

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10. Flexibility

Some are naturally more mobile and flexible than others, but that doesn't mean they can't get there with proper exercise. In yoga, due to deep breathing and very slow movements, the muscle contracts and stretches nicely, and because of this, it almost never results in any injuries - on the contrary, the muscle becomes more flexible.

11. A new way of life

There are people who cannot stick to new habits in any way, and there are people for whom a new habit can become an obsession. Yoga and the healthy lifestyle associated with it is a great thing to change your life for the better, just make sure it doesn't become an obsession. All things in life have a limit, even yoga.

12. Getting to know your body

Getting to know your body and its capabilities can be quite amazing. You make a great achievement when you realize that you can do something that you couldn't before. Acquiring new habits is a long-term process, but in the long run they have a positive impact on a person's life.

13. Sharpen your mind

Every day we face various problems, which is tiring and difficult. Some people live for years and years without goals and visions. Practicing yoga helps to clear the mind and focus on the essential things in life.

Photo: Unsplash

14. Positivity

Yoga changes the way we see the world and ourselves, which is the biggest change we can make. We start to think positively and spread love around us, which improves our self-image and attitude towards other people.

15. Motivation

With yoga comes a healthier way of life, and it all becomes motivation, because we see how much our mind and body are capable of. When we strive and achieve a goal, we only have more momentum to move forward.

Photo: Unsplash

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