
15 ways to screw up your marriage: Men share list of things you should never do

Secrets every man should know.

Men who are in long-term relationships have written simple tips based on their experiences and mistakes, what a man should not do in a relationship to make his partner happy or how to have and maintain a successful marriage.

1. Don't be a closed book

Be open and honest with your wife. Communication is the foundation of any successful relationship. She wants to know who you are and she wants you to know who she is too. People change over the years, and if you don't communicate, you might wake up to a stranger one day.

2. Don't pretend to listen

You have to learn to listen. Don't nod if you don't know what he's saying because women know when men aren't listening. Listen to what he says. Imagine yourself on the other side, is it pleasant to talk to the wall?

3. Don't point out her mistakes

Don't focus on her flaws. Instead, encourage her day by day. Through her own experiences, she will see what you are like and will ask herself what kind of partner she wants by her side. is that you

4. Pamper her

In other words: don't put all the household chores on her. Help her around the house and prepare dinner for her once a week. Your wife is your queen, so treat her as such.

5. Don't humiliate her

There are two equal partners in a partnership. Behave accordingly, both in front of children and in public. Solve problems only behind closed doors. Remember that you are setting an example for your children on how to behave in marriage.

6. Don't keep your eyes on other women

There is nothing wrong with a quick look at a beautiful woman passing by. But staring at her will get you into trouble. If your wife asks you, admit that you were just looking and give her an instant compliment.

7. Don't get upset

If you feel like you're losing your temper, don't escalate the argument. Count to 10 in every fight and remember why you fell in love with her.

8. Don't think you're smarter than her

Just because you know more about something than her doesn't mean she doesn't know anything. Never assume you know what he's thinking. Your wife is a temple of emotional intelligence and wisdom - never forget that.

9. Don't try to solve her problems

Sometimes all women want is for you to listen to them. The next time she tells you about her day's adventures, don't give her advice. Instead, let her tell you everything that's on her mind.

10. Make her feel loved

Do your best to remind her every day how wonderful she is. How grateful you are for what he does and how happy he makes you.

11. Don't be a fake hero

Just because you take the laundry out of the washing machine, it doesn't mean that he owes you anything. Be helpful to her, women notice your every little kind gesture.

12. Don't talk bad about her

You and your wife are a team, so don't make fun of her or complain about her to other people. How would you feel if she did it too?

13. Don't distance yourself with technology

Don't rush in front of the TV as soon as you get home, don't look at your phone during dinner. Your wife is not taken for granted. Work with her and include her in your free time unless you both need some time to yourself.

14. Don't avoid difficult conversations

Being vulnerable often goes against a man's instincts, but sometimes your wife needs to see that you have that side of you too. No matter how uncomfortable the conversation is, tell it, show your vulnerability and trust it. It will be much easier for you to overcome all problems if you are by each other's side.

15. Don't stop kissing her

Kiss her morning, afternoon, night - anytime. Your intimacy is the fire that keeps your relationship alive, so enjoy it as much as you can.

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