
20 facts about human blood that you never dreamed of!

We all know that our blood system is really complicated, so it is important to remember our heart and to know our blood type.

Unfortunately, we humans are still not fully aware of the capabilities of our bodies, so we have collected interesting scientific facts about our blood that you probably don't know!

It would take quite a bit to suck all the blood out of our system 1,120,0000 mosquitoes.

In order for the blood to circulate around the body, our heart creates such pressure that it can release 10 meter high stream of blood.

A man can live without a pulse. In 2012, doctors entered the body 55-year-old Craig Lewis installed a device that allows blood to circulate around the body without a pulse.

It's Stan Larkin Lived without a heart for 555 days and was waiting for a transplant. His heart was replaced by a gadget that Stan used to carry in his backpack. He could even play basketball.

The amount of blood that passes through the body in 25 days is about the same a medium-sized swimming pool.

A person can lose 40 percent blood and she still remains alive. Of course, a timely blood transfusion is necessary.

21 percent of all heart attacks happen on Mondays. The second peak is on Fridays. Scientists assume that the reason lies in the "outpouring" of stress hormones at the beginning of the week.

Heart beat affects our mood. Scientists studied this phenomenon when the man got a new heart. After the operation, his mind, feelings and actions changed in an unusual way.

To reduce the risk of a heart attack, you should wake up slowly in the morning and reduce the intensity of evening exercise.

Coconut water it can replace blood plasma due to its similar composition.

Blood type can be a reason for divorce. Scientists have found that it exists the relationship between the blood types of the spouses and the divorce rate. Thus, in the strongest couples, both should have blood type 0. However, couples who divorce more often usually have such combinations: A+AB and A+0.

Blood type affects our health. People with blood type 0 are not supposed to be so prone to cardiovascular diseases, but are more susceptible to developing skin cancer or obesity.

People with blood type A they should pay more attention to blood cholesterol levels. They are said to be more exposed to the risk of development coronary heart disease.

The one with type B should be aware that there is a higher risk of developing diabetes and pancreatic cancer.

People with blood type AB we should take good care of your memory and concentration, as the chances of cognitive impairment are said to be 82 percent higher for them than for others.

Energy drinks they can change the heart. Scientists have found that after drinking energy drinks, the amount of caffeine in the system is up to 3 times higher than with other caffeinated drinks, such as coffee. What's more, they are said to affect the heart rate and can cause stroke or death.

Diets based on blood type are not supposed to work. Scientists from the University of Toronto have proven that they are special diets adapted to the individual's blood group, a myth.

It exists in Japan special goods industry for each blood group: food, cosmetics and personal care products.

Sports performance is said to depend on blood type. A 2017 study found that people with blood type 0 have better endurance like other blood groups. Among the elite water polo players, scientists did not find people with blood type AB. But the advantages of blood type 0 only work if we take care of regular physical activity.

Our character is said to depend on our blood type. Namely, scientists have established a connection between people's characters and their blood groups. In Japan, it is even believed that blood type affects people's personality traits, as well as their success at work and in interpersonal relationships.

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