
20 Men's Prejudices About Women That Are Completely Untrue

Photo: Moose/ Pexels

Women are the more fragile sex, they are more romantic and sensitive, but that doesn't mean that they can't assemble a new piece of furniture, that they don't know anything about sports or that they don't like action movies. Some of men's prejudices about women may be valid, but most of them have little to do with the truth.

Here are 20 stereotypes that drive women crazy the most:

1. They don't know how to park sideways.

2. PMS is to blame for bad mood.

3. They don't like "manly" drinks like beer and whiskey.

4. They know nothing about sports and follow it only when the Slovenian national team plays.

5. They don't know how to use a drill.

6. They have countless shelves of shoes.


7. Single women are looking for a relationship at any cost.

8. They like sweet romantic comedies.

9. They fall for "dangerous" types.

10. They consider Valentine's Day and their wedding anniversary to be the most important days of the year.

11. They are obsessed with the wedding, and especially with the wedding day.

12. They always think they are fat.

13. They always order a diet version of every dish and drink.


14. Before leaving the house, they must put on their make-up and fix their hair.

15. They don't know how to assemble a new piece of furniture.

16. Sex without emotion is out of the question.

17. They don't know how to enjoy a big TV, an advanced computer or any other technological device.

18. They are not interested in erotic films.

19. They are afraid of horror movies.

20. Cooking and cleaning is their natural inclination.

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