
#221 - City Magazine - Summer in the city

Summer is in full swing and a variety of events are predicted in the city, where it seems that there is no place for programs to pamper all our senses.

This year I will take summer in the true sense of the word. I will cross Europe long and short. Visited some festival of electronic music in Croatia and probably vacationed in Italy. I don't have any exact plans, and in a mysterious way I actually like it a lot. I am not bound by the framework, and even so the summer can be free. Completely free. No classic restrictions. City Magazine will be on collective leave in August. That means we'll still be creating an incredible amount online, but a new issue of your favorite free magazine will be on the stands in the first few days of September, when we'll be back with new content and ideas. In the meantime, you can follow me a little more personally through my vlogs, which have become part of my everyday life in recent weeks. Even so, I want to bring you at least a little closer to our medium and show you behind the scenes how it is created City Magazine. That's why I invite you to follow me through my social channels and also experience part of my summer, which will be City. In the issue in front of you, we mainly offer you ideas for enjoying the summer to the fullest. This is how we write about natural baths, where you can cool down your overheated mind and body. We take a look at what's happening in the city, check which concerts you shouldn't miss and what's coming to the big screen. And on and on... Enjoy the summer!

Jan Macarol Vrabec,
the editor

Facebook: janmacarol
Instagram: janmacarol
YouTube: janmacarol
and: jan@citymagazine.si

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