

December is the part of the year when I dedicate most of my time to myself, my family and friends. But this is also the part of the year when I always make important life decisions - even those related to business. I look back, analyze and at the same time always make lists - not resolutions, but goals that I want to achieve in the future.

It is for me the year 2017 was in many ways extremely successful. After the big crisis, the company is returning to its good old ways and gaining momentum in new projects. This is important, because these successes are our joint successes - that is, both creators City as a village of readers. They mean that in the future we will be able to create better and more, which sounds like science fiction in the media in 2017. But if you are aware as a creator of media content metamorphoses of the media world and you know how to use it to your advantage, the future can be extremely bright. And this metamorphosis is happening today and will change the media world tremendously in the next year. Those who are not on the train of the future will remain in the past, and rightly so. The bad and mediocre will be decimated by global globalization and only those who know how to tell good stories will survive. But not only that. Those who remain upright, ethical and original in the media business will survive. And this is what I am betting on in 2018. With December, we entered the audited edition of our magazine, which will be carried out by an auditing company Deloitte, and thus took the first step, which we hope will gain as many imitators as possible among the media. Together we hope to restore trust in print media. A media way in which each individual truly stops time and finds those moments only for himself.

I wish you pleasant and peaceful holidays and a bright 2018.

Jan Macarol Vrabec,
the editor

Facebook: janmacarol
Instagram: janmacarol
YouTube: janmacarol

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