
28 interesting facts about inventors that you definitely don't know yet

Interesting facts about inventors.

Did you know that the reason the first Macs were so successful was because Steve Jobs took calligraphy in college? Apple computers were the first with beautiful typography. Or, did you know that Samuel Morse, the man who invented the Morse code, was actually a big dick? When he ran for mayor of New York, he ran his company under the slogan "No immigrants, no Catholics." What if Nikola Tesla hated pearls? You can find these and many other interesting facts about inventors that you certainly don't know yet in the attached video.

Inventors they are, like writers, poets and other types of renowned artists, a very special breed of people. They are adorned with genius on the one hand, madness on the other, so they say it is a great artist always a little crazy. And history is full of evidence. In fact, madness is so prevalent among geniuses that a man of common sense would be essentially abnormal among geniuses.

READ MORE: 10 of the most stupid and useless inventions in the world

The father of the electric guitar could not play the guitar!
The father of the electric guitar could not play the guitar!

Although many inventors have given the world unforgettable inventions and many serve as inspiration for us, but too many were not exactly exemplary people, or had them rather strange habits. Did you know that one of Benjamin Franklin's hobbies was changing texts popular songs into beer songs? Or to be Leo Fender, the man who created the first commercial electric guitar never learned to play the guitar? You can learn all this and many other interesting facts about the inventors in the educational video John Green.

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