
3 drinks that will ease your menstrual pain

Photo: Cup Of Couple / Pexels

Menstrual cramps are among the worst and most disturbing pains. When you feel them in the first days of menstruation, you have no choice but to lie on the couch or bed and place a heating pad on the place of pain. There is no perfect cure for them, but there are ways to alleviate menstrual pain: we have prepared 3 drinks for you that will do just that.

1. Ginger and turmeric tea

Ginger is known for its strong taste, but it can still be amazing in small amounts delicious. It is effective because of its anti-inflammatory effects, but at the same time you can also reduces nausea, which often accompanies menstrual cramps.
A spice turmeric she will help you relax the muscles and thus prevented painful contractions of the uterus.
Prepare the tea by first grinding a piece of peeled ginger, large approx 1 cm. Then you boil it in 2-3 cups of water and add to the tea half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. You can also use fresh turmeric (approx. 1 cm piece) that you crush yourself.
After boiling, continue to cook the tea for approx 10 minutes, strain it and add more if desired a spoonful of honey and lemon. Drink tea approx 3 times a day.

Photo: envato

2. Drink made from ajovan and palm sugar

For a spice that will be immediately ease your pain, also applies Iowan. Besides anti-inflammatory and painkillers effects, this spice will also strengthen yours digested and thus help you in the fight with bloating and abdominal cramps. It will work best in combination with palm sugar (also called jaggery or gur): a natural medicine with a high content of iron, potassium and sodium, which will prevent weakness, associated with blood loss.
Prepare the drink so that teaspoon of ajuvan seeds and spoon of palm sugar you add 2-3 cups of water. You then cook everything together for approx 8 minutes, strain and drink 3 times a day. You can also use ajuvan seeds instead leaves.

Photo: Maria Tyutina / Pexels

3. Fennel seed drink

Seeds fennel, which is also known as fennel, have a healing effect due to the compound anethole. This one inhibits uterine contractions and thus reduces spasms, but at the same time it can also prevent them water retention in the body, fever and weakness.
Prepare the drink so that 2 teaspoons of seeds save to a glass of water and you wait at least 2 hours (you can also prepare the drink in the evening and drink it in the morning). You can also drink this drink 3 times a day.

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