
3 simple tricks for always neat hair

Photo: Envato

Let's face it, morning grooming can take a lot of time and why not sleep in instead if you can. Here are some hair styling tricks that will help you sleep longer because you won't have to wash, dry and style your hair in the morning because it will still look great from the day before.

Some women even say that waking up with a good haircut is like the happiness you feel when you stumble upon a 70 percent discount at your favorite store. We often don't have time to go to the hairdresser, sometimes we barely find time to wash our hair, so it's good to have a few tricks up your sleeve that will give you a good haircut every day and hide the fact that you haven't washed your hair in 4 days.

Hair dryer

A hair dryer is easy five minute trick, with which you can arrange your hair in the morning or in the evening. When you get out of the shower, tilt your hair forward and massage into your scalp hair foam, then dry your hair with a hairdryer on medium heat. When you're done blow-drying, make a high ponytail and go to sleep. In this way, you will achieve a large volume of hair when you wake up.

Curls from the beach

In the evening, spray your hair with water (pour distilled water into an empty syringe bottle and add a bit of hair conditioner) and spray over the entire length of the hair. You can also use hair mousse. Knit one or two tassels and go to sleep. The next day, tear the putty and spray a little more with the prepared mixture of water and conditioner.

Photo: Unsplash


You can style your front hair or bangs very quickly in the morning. Put the hair in a ponytail and the front hair moisten slightly. Turn the iron on low temperature and align. The hair will be moist and will fall more beautifully on the forehead than if it were straightened with a flat iron at high temperature.

Additional advice on how to nourish your hair overnight

When your hair needs extra care, apply a nourishing mask to washed, wet, towel-dried hair in the evening. Put your hair in a bun and wrap it in a scarf to protect the pillow. Wash your hair the next day and air dry if possible.

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