
3 kissing mistakes that neither men nor women forgive!

"In love there is always someone who kisses and someone who sets the lips." - French proverb

A good kiss will make your knees buckle, your palms sweat, and your heart beat faster. Does this ever happen to you?? We wrote it down three biggest mistakes, which regardless of experience, you may still be doing when kissing your partner.

Aggressive start

Life is not a movie. What they show on the movie screen is usually far from reality and comfort. For example, aggressive kissing will not trigger passion, but will leave you and your partner in pain and thus discourage you from kissing further. Instead, start kissing with soft touches of the lips and gentle kisses that gradually increase in speed and intensity. Observe his/her body signals, breathing and heart rate. This rhythm will tell you if you are on the right track.

Start with soft touches of the lips and gentle kisses...
Start with soft touches of the lips and tender kisses…

Not enough language

No one likes aggressively thrusting the tongue into the mouth during kissing, but holding back the tongue won't produce the desired effect either. Begin the kiss with closed lips, then bite his/her bottom lip, gently lick it with your tongue, then slowly touch his tongue and let the moment go.

Incorrect targeting

You may find that inhaling air while kissing is good for your well-being. Once you separate from his lips, you may want to gently move to his face or forehead. But this tender moment can be ruined by mistargeting. You might awkwardly kiss him/her on the nose, maybe even on the nose, or lick his/her chin by mistake. At that moment, your partner probably won't know how to react either, so it might be best to continue kissing normally as if nothing happened. 🙂

Aggressive kissing will rarely trigger passion.
Aggressive kissing will rarely trigger passion.

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