
They slander, complain and interfere in everything: this is how people without emotional intelligence are!

What do people with high emotional intelligence not do?

A waiter who speaks calmly and kindly to a guest who complains loudly about the service. A friend who calls you when you need him most. A partner who rarely gets angry forgives easily and takes responsibility for his actions. What do all these people have in common? High emotional intelligence.

The term emotional intelligence or EQ defines the ability to recognize emotions in oneself and in other people. And people who don't do these 6 things have high EQ (emotional intelligence).

They do not interfere in the lives of others

One of the characteristics of emotional intelligence is empathy. Those with a high level of emotional intelligence share it with everyone. But there is a big difference between showing empathy to those around you and allowing others to affect your mood with their anger, sadness or rage. Emotionally intelligent people listen carefully, offer advice and help, but do not let the feelings of others rule them.

They don't complain

Moaning and grumbling indicate two things: firstly, that you are a victim, and secondly, that there is no solution to your problems according to you. Emotionally intelligent people rarely feel powerless and victimized. Instead of looking for the culprit, they immediately start solving the problem: either by solving the problem directly, by changing the circumstances, or by accepting the new situation and moving on with life.

They know how to say NO

Like empathy, self-control is a sure sign of emotionally stable people. Emotionally intelligent people are aware that certain situations can lead them to do some unpleasant things. Once they make up their mind, they stick to it. Many emotionally intelligent people know how to say "no" and rely on willpower.

They do not perform

Emotionally intelligent people avoid doing. They know it's not nice to talk negatively about other people because we all make mistakes. They realize that these are opportunities for growth.

They do not rely on others

Emotionally intelligent people are not dependent on anyone. They realized that it is not good to rely on others to make you happy. Then there is a risk that they will be disappointed. They prefer to take matters into their own hands and find things for themselves that will make them happy.

They don't live in the past

People who live more in the past than in the present are prone to mental distress. Emotionally intelligent people respect their past and the people they loved. Regardless, their thoughts are focused on the "here and now" - the present!

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