
3 natural fertilizers for lush plant growth and blooming flowers like from a flower shop

Photo: envato

Do you want to naturally reduce the risk of rotting, encourage plants to bloom and develop? Natural flower fertilizers contain various essential nutrients that flowers need to grow and thrive. By using them, you can keep plants healthy and prevent deficiencies that could lead to stunted growth or disease.

Natural fertilizers are made from organic substances and are biodegradable, so they are more environmentally friendly than synthetic fertilizers. In addition, they help improve the health and structure of the soil, which can benefit not only the flowers, but also other plants in the area.

We mostly use coffee grounds and eggshells for natural plant nutrition. But there are other ways that can reduce the risk of decay, withering or rotting of the plant and encourage it to grow, bloom and develop.

Do not overwater or underwater. Photo: Maria Ionova / Unsplash

We reveal 3 tricks for organic plant feeding that may surprise even experienced gardeners!

1. Water the soil with water containing starch

Since the lack of nutrients due to the lack of sun is especially acute in winter, they try to increase the starch reserves of the plants in the fruits and seeds. Starch is ideal for storing glucose, with its deficiency the process of hydrolysis begins - the re-degradation of starch into molecules.

Instead of buying a special fertilizer next time, water your plants with the water you used to cook the potatoes or pasta in. Allow this liquid to cool and water them.

2. Place the sponge on the bottom of the pot

Despite the fact that almost all plants need constant watering, some varieties can go without water longer than others. One of the biggest mistakes beginner gardeners make is over- or infrequent watering.

If they are watered more than necessary, some varieties of plants develop root rot. On the other hand, if the plants lack water, they dry up and die.

Add some wheat to the soil. Photo: Vince Veras/Unsplash

Before planting the plants in the pot, place a small mushroom on the bottom and cover it with soil on top. The fungus will absorb excess water, and in critical situations, the root can feed on the stored moisture.

3. Add some wheat to the soil

Cereals are not only a great source of nutrients for humans. Place some wheat grains in the pot and sprinkle soil on top. Such a plant supplement will be sufficient for the monthly feeding of many plants.

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