
3 reasons why men leave smart and successful women

And everyone is wondering why!

Photo: Envato

They were such a great couple, if not perfect, how could they break up? She was smart, successful in everything she touched - why did he leave her? He will never find a woman like her again! He could be happy she was with him at all.

Maybe he couldn't live in her shadow anymore? Could this be the reason why he didn't feel man enough because she was more successful than him?

Every breakup is surrounded by a lot of secrets that are not revealed to others. It is possible that they were separated by constant pressure from the environment, work...

The end of a relationship is different for each couple, individual and not always easy to understand. Perhaps you have experienced this yourself?

It's hard to understand why a partner ends a relationship when you seem to get along well, have a great sex life, and openly talk about problems.

There are certain ways men think and behave that leave confident, beautiful and strong women. Why?

1. He felt unnecessary and under pressure

You were the person in the relationship who often wished more closeness and tenderness, as you received it from your partner? Or maybe you've always wanted to fix your relationship and perfect it? If this is the case, he probably felt under constant pressure due to the imbalance in the relationship.

Don't look for fault in yourself! Most men find it difficult to cope with emotional pressure. And when they get the feeling that everything they do is not good enough for their partner, then the man leaves the woman.

Had the feeling somewhere that it was your shadow. Photo: Vinicius Amnx Aman / Unsplash

2. He felt like he had to constantly compete with you

If a man in a partnership feels that he has to compete with you, he will feel that he is not up to the challenge and his masculinity will be threatened.

An example. Arguing in front of friends about who is right. Or when you earn more than him and you constantly remind him of it with your snarky remarks. Men generally find it difficult to find and deal with situations where they have to hand over control to their partner, even if it's small things like - what movie are you going to watch, where are you going on vacation...

This does not mean that the woman will take control of the relationship! It's a healthy balance!

3. He thought you disrespected him

In addition to trust, a functional relationship also requires mutual respect. Men need to know that their partner is by their side through thick and thin. Otherwise, it is impossible to fully surrender and take risks on your way through the storms and hurricanes of life.

If a woman she doubts men's abilities or if a man feels that a woman does not take him seriously, his masculinity is affected - and this leads to a breakup.

Respect each other, share your deepest fears and communicate about everything, this way your relationship will be strong and last.

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