Honesty in communication is not the easiest for many people: sometimes we are ashamed of our feelings, sometimes we are afraid of hurting the other person, and sometimes we simply do not want to appear rude or impolite. However, hiding true feelings and a realistic picture is by no means the right way: not only do lies always come to the fore, but it can also happen that those closest to us lose trust in us too quickly. Therefore, we have prepared for you 3 reasons why you should not be afraid of honesty.
1. The truth that comes too late can cause big problems
Sometimes honesty in relationships we avoid, because we are afraid that a partner or a friend hurt or because we are afraid the end of the relationship. However, it rarely happens that the truth remains buried, especially if he knows about the real picture more people. And if the person for what happened he finds out later, she will be even more pained by the fact that we are her they lied, but you can completely lose hers too confidence.
That's why it's important to tell her you want to private conversation and then you trust her with yours feelings or what happened happened. It is important that you are with your words gentle and yes hers you respect the decision, although it may not be as you would have it yourself wanted. If you've done something you're not proud of, you'll do a lot with it too apologies, but you should be aware that regret alone is not a reason for a person to wish continue the relationship.
2. You will avoid feelings of guilt and an unwanted situation
Yes, the truth can it hurts, but they also hurt feelings of guilt, which will accompany you for a long time, despite the lies and hiding. Especially if it is a partner relationship, it may happen that you get the feeling that your partner can't quite do it to trust and get real with him to connect. It will seem to you that she is invincible between you obstacle, and you will also live in constant fear, so that the truth would come out.
Lies can also cause us to stay in unwanted situations. For example, if you are with a partner lost emotions or you some friendship no longer fulfills, by hiding your feelings you will ensure that you stay in the relationship that makes you unhappy. You will be a partner with sincerity hurt, but you will at the same time enabled, to find someone in the future who will feel for him what you cannot feel for yourself.
But what if it is dissatisfaction on work area or in everyday situations? Then, of course, it is necessary that first you consider your options and assess whether it is improvement possible. If the answer to this question is positive, then don't be afraid to speak up: only with open communication you will change the situation for the better.
3. Only honesty will get you the help you need
In a world where we are constantly surrounded by illusions perfect lives, all too quickly we get the feeling that we are in our own problems themselves. That's why we have to speak up shame and your feelings we hold back in themselves, while ours the closest ones he doesn't even dream about them.
You should be aware that your emotions, pain and mental health they do not represent nothing shameful and yes you can help you only receive if you are honest about them. People who have you like, they will be happy for you listened and did everything in their power to felt better. In the face of deep sadness, we can get the feeling that we don't have anyone, who would stand by us, but that's it far from the truth.
It's also important to be honest if you have a feeling they are problems present in your relationship. A mature partner will always want find out for your feelings, but he will also make an effort to have a relationship they work.