
3 rules for better communication during divorce: children are the most important!

What should be the relationship of a divorced couple with children?

Photo: Envato

Children are the love of your life. Don't allow yourself to become a tool in the divorce process or nagging your ex-partner!

Newly divorced people often feel that they need to take revenge on the partner who hurt them. Wrong. Already in marriage it is key good communication, it is also important in case of divorce. This is especially true for parents who should forget about disagreements for the sake of their children.

If you are currently going through this difficult period, read about how difficult words and actions leave consequences for children.

1. Criticism

According to experts, special attention should be paid to the relationship of ex-spouses, the provision of the law should prevent mutual accusations in the presence of children. This type of behavior is on the rise, and the situation is even worse when the custodial parent turns the children against the other partner.

Don't argue in front of the kids. Photo: Afif Kusuma / Unsplash

2. Insults

Offensive words, lies, although often said in affect, are by no means a solution. Children's feelings must be taken into account. Even though you may be convinced deep down that what you are saying is true, stop yourself so you don't regret it later.

3. Attitude

Always be mindful of what you say and how you say it during the divorce process. Use specific words, especially if you expect the other partner to follow through as agreed. Inappropriate remarks and an inappropriate tone usually do not bring the desired effect, your goal should be to provide peace of mind for children as they grow up

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