
4 bad habits that destroy our skin

4 bad habits that harm our skin

Did you know that we all have at least four bad habits that destroy our skin? Listen to the wise words of a dermatologist who has witnessed many things, but what she really can't stand are these four basic mistakes that practically everyone makes. Caring for beautiful and glowing skin starts at an early age, especially for girls, but like everything, skin care has its limits. And with these habits that we think are helping our skin, we're actually hurting it a lot in the long run. It's time to put an end to this before it's too late.

Despite the good faith that we are doing the right thing, at least we have 4 bad habits that destroy our skin. She also realized this firsthand dermatologist dr. Erin Gilbert, who has seen many things in her patients' desire for shiny and smooth skin, but these four habits drive her to despair.

Many things you do with your skin do it more harm than good, even if you believe otherwise.
Many things you do with your skin do it more harm than good, even if you believe otherwise.

They are one bad habits in terms of smoking, skipping meals, drinking too much alcohol, taking hot showers, not drinking enough water, going to bed with make-up on and eating too much sugar. But these are things that we do consciously and that we know are bad. We consider the four habits highlighted by the dermatologist to be good, but in reality we are spitting in our own bowl with them.

READ MORE: Proven! Mobile phones do not cause cancer!

Check out why expensive cosmetic products, wiping the face with a coarse towel, products from the home pharmacy and not enough sunscreen is so damaging to your skin.

4 bad habits that are destroying your skin:

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