
The 4 Most Common Ways Women Waste Our Chances of Meeting – Him!

Sometimes we don't even realize that we may be destroying our own chances of success.

"I keep choosing the wrong man, and if I have a relationship with him, it never works out!"

"Why don't you answer me? Did I write something wrong?”

"We had a great date and then he disappeared. Is there something wrong with me?”

Sound familiar?

Sometimes you don't even realize that maybe you are ruining your own chances of success. There's a lot of relationship advice out there, but a lot of people still end up in bad relationships. It is a mistake to believe that you have to accept a man into your life who "clicks" on you online or talks to you on the street, and immediately hope that this is the person you could be with.

These are 4 ways we are destroying our own chances of finding love.

You are trying to shape or manipulate reality

Just to fit your ideal partner. If a man tells you he's single, doesn't want a relationship, or doesn't want to commit to anyone - believe him! Don't convince yourself that he wants a relationship when he doesn't. Don't convince yourself that he will change his mind over time, he won't. He made it clear to you that he doesn't want a relationship. As Maya Angelou says: "When people show you what they are like, believe them." Anything else will lead you to disappointment.

Acceptance of unacceptable behavior

You cannot control how others behave, but you can choose to will you participate in it. Does he tell you how much he loves you and then do nothing about it? Does he ignore you and not text you or return your call and only mentions you a week or a month later, saying how busy he was? Maybe you gave it a second chance and the same things are still happening? Have you accepted this behavior? Why would you? All this clearly shows you that he is busy because he is meeting other women or he is simply not into you. Telling you he loves you isn't enough if he doesn't take his time, if he doesn't focus on you. If you care about someone, you always make time for them! Find someone who will find time for you!

Settle for less than you deserve

If ever in a relationship another person makes you despair, hurt, sad day after day - run away. You need to feel good, safe, comfortable in a relationship … If you are worried all the time, sad, that is not a good relationship. Remember, there are millions of people out there who would be happy to be with you. Why settle for someone who doesn't make you feel happy?

Why would you settle for someone who doesn't make you feel happy?
Why settle for someone who doesn't make you feel happy?

You're not sure what you're even looking for!

Do you have an answer to the question of what kind of partner you are looking for? What kind of relationship do you want to be in? The problem is that most people don't even think about it, because they believe that they have to choose whoever crosses their path first.

Don't make a decision or put up with someone who doesn't respect you. Are you ready to love and be loved? If you find yourself repeating patterns, take a step back and ask yourself what you're looking for! Everyone deserves a love that fulfills them and that lasts.

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