
4 things a man loves in a woman: None of them are about her physical attractiveness

The chemistry and sparks of passion caused by physical attraction are not permanent. They can only be the initiators of an exciting romantic journey. Something deeper makes a woman seductive!

Every woman has her own unique beauty, wonderful character traits. Each is unique in its own way. A man loves her smile or enthusiasm in a woman, but there are some things that all men love about a woman, without exception.

Here are four things men love about women, without exception!

1. No gaming

Many people often turn a partner relationship into a competition, a game of jealousy or testing. Relationships based on such games often lose direction and soon fall apart. It doesn't matter who texted who first, or who is showing signs of jealousy. It is important that you have an open attitude in which you will not be afraid to make the first move or take the initiative. You will not play or test your partner, but through open communication you will overcome all problems.

2. Expressing gratitude

When a man makes an effort for you, for your relationship, he expects feedback from you. Many women think that a hug and a kiss are enough to show a man that they appreciate all the things he does for them. While he only wants to hear the words: "Thank you", "I appreciate what you did for me" or "You did that really well". Such words of thanks will instill confidence and self-confidence in your partner. Expressing gratitude is healing in all relationships, especially romantic ones.

3. Listening

Listening is not a passive activity and nodding, but requires participation in communication. Sometimes the partner has a certain challenge, maybe he is worried about work, cannot make an important decision, or is waiting for the approval of a project that is crucial to achieving his goals. That is the right time to show him that you are his support. That you are someone who wants to listen and understand. It is important that he feels that he is not alone and that together they form a team that can overcome any challenge.

4. Showing tenderness

Expressions of tenderness, such as a sudden hug, holding hands or a soft kiss, a smile, may seem like little things, but they are pleasant little things that can bring you closer. To express love and affection, you don't need to buy expensive gifts, just a note with words is enough "I love you", taped to a cup of first morning coffee. And the day full of tenderness can begin.

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