
40 little things really mean a lot to women and every man should know them

It doesn't take much to make a woman happy, it's the little things that count!

Photo: Ana Maria Moroz / Pexels

Men sometimes overlook little things that mean a lot to women. As women, we have small things that mean a lot to us, so it is important to us that our men pay attention to them.

If you want to charm your better half, remember these 40 tips that will open the way to her heart.

1. She wants you to notice that she's done her hair. She assumes you'll never compliment her on them, so surprise her by doing it.

2. She wants you to compliment her in new clothes.

3. It would make her day better if you send her a message in the morning just saying: "I love you."

4. She wants you to make an effort to get closer to her friends and family.

5. She wants you to hold her hand and kiss her in public. He wants you to show the world how much he means to you.

Photo: Flora Westbrook / Pexels

6. Give her some space.

7. He wants to feel appreciated. So tell her every now and then: “Thank you.”

8. She wants you to surprise her with a romantic dinner. No matter how long you've been together, she wants to feel wanted by you showing her that you love her. Sometimes words are not enough.

9. He needs you to keep your promises. He doesn't need empty words.

10. She wants you to help her with the housework. Surprise her and vacuum the house.

11. Make her happy and take her to places she wants to go, even if you don't feel like it.

12. She needs you to be proud of her. Brag about her accomplishments as if they were your own.

13. She needs you to defend her. This way he feels safe.

14. She wants you to leave her little notes. These will be things that she will save and bring back memories.

15.It would be nice if you remembered her mother's birthday.

16. She wants you to compliment her on her new nail polish.

17. She wants you to offer her help, even though she doesn't need it, and she won't accept it.

18. She wants you to ask her about her day when she gets home from work.

19. She needs you to show interest in her life.

20. She wants you to invite her to dinner with friends because she wants to feel part of your company.

21. Clean the drawer and give it to her for her things. She will be happy.

22. She wants you to tell her she has beautiful eyes for no particular reason.

23. She wants you to tell her she has a beautiful smile.

Photo: Olya Kobruseva / Pexels

24. She wants you to hang out with her friends too.

25. She wants you to bring her breakfast in bed in a romantic way, just because you love her.

26. She wants you to lend her a jacket when she's cold.

27. She wants you to protect her when they are walking along the road.

28. She wants you to tell her every morning that you are lucky to have her.

29. He wants to hear all about your day.

30. She wants you to stroke her hair.

31. She wants you to tickle her until she cries.

32. She needs you to see when she's not feeling well and tell her everything will be okay.

33. She wants to wear your oversized shirts because she likes your smell.

34. She wants you to put her to bed and stroke her hair while she falls asleep.

35. He wants you to post photos of you together.

36. She only wants you to call her because you wanted to hear her voice.

37. He wants you to notice when he does things differently than usual.

38. She wants you to play her favorite song just to make her happy.

39. She wants you to stay up late and text her.

40. She wants you to hold her close at night.

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