
People don't like coffee, they're just addicted to it

At the German Friedrich Schiller University, they prove that drinking coffee is a vice of caffeine addiction and not a love of taste!

For many, it is drinking morning coffee a mandatory start to the day, and for most, this drink helps them cope more easily with the challenges that await them in the day. But is coffee so important to us in the morning because we like to drink it or because we are actually addicted to caffeine

In the caffeine addiction study, researchers tested those who drank coffee very often, moderately, and rarely. They found that everyone has strong desire for coffee, without liking them too much or coffee increasing pleasure, classic signs of addiction.

As expected, it turned out that most coffee drinkers have a great desire for this drink, but not so much affection for coffee.

These results showed that frequent coffee drinkers have a very strong desire for this drink, despite the fact that they don't even like it. That's right caffeine cravings, became independent of the desire to drink - said the authors of the study at the German Friedrich Schiller University.

They added that this explains the widespread and stable consumption of caffeinated products around the world, since, like drugs, excessive use is addictive.


In their paper published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology, the researchers added:
The main difference between highly addictive substances (alcohol or cocaine) and less addictive substances (e.g. caffeine) may be primarily quantitative rather than qualitative, they write.

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