
5 Best Drones for Beginners

Troti, a nice Slovenian word for drones, are different from foreign drones. Similar to regulated countries, flying here is also regulated and the best and most powerful are not allowed to fly wherever we like. For small (light) and cheap trots for beginners, there are almost no restrictions.

They belong to the latter cheap planes, which are meant to be flown indoors, preferably at home in the living room, with a lot of hope that inept handling won't end up with a broken TV. It is necessary to learn to fly and, anyway, it is better if before the flight with an expensive "creature" we first break some cheap ones. But you can with them we also fly outside, if two conditions are met. The weather must be nice and the wind must not blow. At least not too much, because the engines don't have enough power to overcome the slightly stronger draft.

Parrot Mambo

Parrot is a well-known name among manufacturers of flying toys for young and old, as they were the first to plow the fallow land. Mambo is a fun trot, as it has a removable "cannon" for shooting small projectiles. The smartphone app manages it and the flight. Flight time is up to ten minutes.

OKPOW 2MP Selfie Drone

OKPOW 2MP Selfie Drone
OKPOW 2MP Selfie Drone

Its advantage is the folding "arms" of the motors, which makes it much easier to carry, and the built-in camera with a resolution of 2 million points and a 120-degree field of view provides useful videos (720p). The flight time is up to ten minutes, the control is by radio, and the video stream of the camera is via Wi-Fi.

Hubsan X4

Hubsan X4
Hubsan X4

Interesting looking, not very big, with a flight time of up to seven minutes and a 720p camera. Once we learn the basics of flying, the tricks this aircraft is capable of come in handy. For example, rotation around the longitudinal axis. The control has a radio range of over 50 meters.

Holy Stone HS100

Holy Stone HS100
Holy Stone HS100

This example is more expensive than the others in this post. It doesn't have a better camera, it also has a resolution of 720p, but the flight is therefore supported by a GPS receiver, from here the range is up to 500 meters, and the battery lasts up to 15 minutes.

ScharkSpark Drone Thunder

ScharkSpark Drone Thunder
ScharkSpark Drone Thunder

Another example of a "folding" trot with a 720p resolution camera. The flight is supported by a GPS receiver, which ensures that the trot returns to its starting point if we command it to do so, or this is achieved by a battery that provides up to 15 minutes of flight time, just before it runs out. The flight range is up to 500 meters.

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